Previous Game:
July 15, 1977
Mets 6, Pirates 1
1977 Regular Season Game 90
July 16, 1977
Mets 5, Pirates 3
Next Game:
July 17, 1977
Pirates 3, Mets 1
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National League Standings, July 16, 1977

Box Score Game Memories Scorecard Mets Stats
Thru This Game


November 11, 2011
This was the first baseball game I took my 8-year-old son to see. It was his birthday and he wanted to see the Mets play. If I remember the game right, there were some old timers who actually played for a little bit, I think Mickey Mantle and a few others. But, our BIG surprise at this event was that we were sitting in the same section as Roy Campanella. He was confined to a wheelchair at that time, but my son did get to go down the few bleachers and meet him. That was a great birthday memory.

September 27, 2013
This was the first Met game I ever attended. 8 years old and my Little League team coach took us all on a bus to the game. I remember that Kranepool and Henderson hit homers which is how I narrowed it down that this was the game. If memory serves one of the homers was to right the other to left center although I don't remember which player hit which.

Flitgun Frankie
October 18, 2022
I attended this game. My mother worked for the Fire Department at the time, and this was a special event, something like a Fire Department appreciation day, so we got free tickets. I don't remember much about the game(s) except that it was f---ing hot! Like 100 degrees. It was a couple of days after the blackout, and it was hot that whole week. As a matter of fact, it was hot that whole summer. We were sitting in a group seating area and were supposed to be sitting with a bunch of firemen and their families, but it was like we were the only ones who showed up! The rest must have said, "the hell with it. We're not going to sweat to see this crummy team play". I'm pretty sure we only stayed for the first game, then Dad said, "Let's get out of here." We had been to a game with the Expos about a week before and I guess Dad had had enough of the Mets and the weather, because he didn't take us to another game for the rest of the season, though me and my brother went to a few by ourselves on the charter bus they used to run from Staten Island to Shea. He was a Mets fan. I wasn't, but when I was a kid I'd go to any baseball game. I was about 15 years old.

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The Mets suck! They need to trade Smith and get somebody like Jones.
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Example Two
The Mets suck! Smith made three errors in this game, and hit into a double play, and the Mets blew a 5-0 lead. They need to get rid of Smith and get somebody like Jones.
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