Bob Bailor
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Bob Bailor

Bob Bailor
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 162 of 1236 players
Robert Michael Bailor
Born: July 10, 1951 at Connellsville, Pa.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 5.10 Weight: 165

Bob Bailor was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on April 8, 2005, and November 10, 2010.

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First Mets game: April 29, 1981
Last Mets game: October 1, 1983

Share your memories of Bob Bailor


June 19, 2001
I must have been 8 or 9 years old watching batting practice at shea. All of a sudden a player walks to the stands and hands me a bat. Thanks mr. Bailor. that was almost 20 years ago and i've never forgotten that moment. Still have the bat with the ticket stub. It's to bad every athelte doesn't realize the impact they have on fans.

Joe Figliola
October 10, 2003
I once wrote an article in my high school newspaper about baseball's winter deals of 1980-81, and I remarked that the Mets' acquisition of Bob Bailor "was a waste." At the time, it seemed that the club stockpiled a lot of utility guys but no one who really could stand out and start on a regular basis.

Don't get me wrong; I always liked Bob during his time with the Jays. But he proved me wrong with the way he filled in and played well at practically every position for the Mets during the early 1980s.

By the way, my friend Joe Dionisio still occasionally needles me about my criticism of Bailor. Now you all know why I choose editorial work rather than read palms and tea leaves for a living.

Mr. Sparkle
April 10, 2004
I was a big fan of Bob Bailor's when he was a Met. I thought he was a solid player who ocassionly made a big play either with the glove or the bat to win game. I was pretty upset when he was traded. But looking back, my fondness for him was me grasping onto a player to root for in a very down time in Mets history. You had to have some one to root for and he was a blue collar guy who always seemed to be giving it 110%.

June 28, 2004
A solid player with blue-collar determination who made the most of his limited talents.

He struck me as the kind of player who would be a coach or manager some day, but he never surfaced in that role.

Bill Ash
August 8, 2004
Having grown up with Bob, in Pennsylvania, previous comments about "blue collar worker" are correct. I followed him for six years in the minors and eleven years in the majors. Always a class one person. Including managing in the Blue Jay organization and winning AAA manager of the year in 1989. Bob was also a great first base coach for Toronto's World Series teams. Glad to hear he is enjoying retirement life in Florida.

October 24, 2004
I have been a Met's fan since I was born. I remember rooting for them when not many other people would. We could always get good seats because there weren't many fans around back then. Bob Bailor will always be my favorite Met. He wasn't a superstar but he played the game for the sake of the game and not for flash or a big pay check. He gave his all every time. More players should have his dedication. I still have all his old baseball cards. I think he should come out of retirement and coach the Mets.

Chris Sheldon
February 7, 2005
Bob Murphy said it best, "He's not a heavy hitter, but he is a tough competitor." Bailor then hit a crisp single up the middle to provide the Mets with a come from behind victory.

December 7, 2005
I think he was the best utilityman that the Mets have ever had.

Helen G. Cornish
September 16, 2007
I watched Bob play in the minor leagues for the Rochester Red Wings. He was my favorite player, and I watched him play each game with a pure love of the sport. He always gave his all, and I was overjoyed when Toronto picked him. I became a true Blue Jays fan, and I cried when they won the World Series in 1992 and 1993. Bob had won!! I was glad to hear that he is enjoying retirement in Florida. He will always be my favorite Red Wing and Blue Jay. Actually, he'll always be my favorite player!! I treasure the memories he gave me as a fan just learning to enjoy the game, and I also treasure the memorabilia that I have of him. Enjoy your retirement, Bob. You deserve it!!

April 3, 2009
The young and unproven but potential-filled Bailor was picked by the Toronto Blue Jays as the second overall pick in the expansion draft of 1976. He hit .310 for them in their first year in 1977 when they went 54 - 107 and Bailor made the All-Rookie Team. He played both shortsop and centerfield that year. He slipped a little after that and for some reason he was never the same but he was a solid player who could play many positions. I remember I was glad when we got him in 1980 for Roy Lee Jackson. Then we traded him a few years later with Carlos Diaz for Sid Fernandez in one of the great Met trades of all time.

May 15, 2012
Bob Murphy used to refer to Bob Bailor as "the Handy Man" because he could play so many positions.

Logan Swanson
November 20, 2013
Arguably the best utility man in baseball history. Could play at least 6 positions, gave 100% effort, very good contact hitter, came through in the clutch.

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