Previous Game:
July 8, 1999
Expos 4, Mets 3
1999 Regular Season Game 87
July 9, 1999
Mets 5, Yankees 2
Next Game:
July 10, 1999
Mets 9, Yankees 8
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National League Standings, July 9, 1999

Box Score Game Memories Scorecard Mets Stats
Thru This Game


May 28, 2003
Mets win 5-2, Olerud hit a HR, than later in the game Mike Piazza took Clemens deep for the second time that year for a 3 run line drive HR into the LF bleachers and gave the Mets a 5-2 lead, than Armando Benitez Ked Chilli Davis on a 3-2 pitch in the 9th the end the game.

August 12, 2004
The Mets won another game against the Yankees. Olerud knocked a homer but, more importantly, in a 2-2 game, Piazza took Clemens deep AGAIN, this time a 3-run homer and I loved that homer. Clemens pitched the ball and Piazza smacked it into left-center and made this kind of growl and leaned back because he knew it was gone. Then the then-reliable Armando Benitez came in and got Chili Davis swinging to end it.

Joe From Jersey
December 28, 2005
This is the only time I've ever seen Mets vs Yankees in person at Shea. I will NEVER go to that hellhole in the Bronx to see Mets vs Yankees. What I remember about the game was three things: Leiter's dependable pitching, Piazza's HR off of Rotten Roger Clemens and the pre-game happenings with ex-Knicks coach Jeff Van Gundy throwing out the 1st pitch and Fugees member Wyclef Jean playing the National Anthem with some lady (can't remember her name) singing. When those two started singing the many Yankee fans in the stands at Shea were NOT happy at all. In fact, many of those "great" Yankee fans made their opinions felt in hateful racial slurs that would make Rosa Parks spin in her grave. For that moment, I felt I was in 1933 Germany, 1955 Mississippi or 1993 Ruby Ridge, Idaho. (Take your pick.) I was surprised that I didn't see the Yankee fans get together in unison and start doing Heil Hitler salutes. I said to my friend that night that thank God I'm a Mets fan and after wishing that horrible display of Mark Furhman like bigotry I wish the Mets had gotten hold of Glenn Close.

Dave VW
May 12, 2024
After back-to-back 20-win seasons and Cy Young Awards pitching for the Blue Jays, it was amazing how pedestrian Clemens looked in 1999. This was his 15th start of the year for the Yankees, and after this loss his ERA stood at 4.70, batters were hitting .282 against him, and he had already given up 12 home runs -- one more than he had allowed in 33 starts for Toronto the year before. Was he pitching hurt? Was he finally showing his age? Was he choking under the intense scrutiny of the Big Apple?

Whatever the case, the Mets took full advantage. They banged out 9 hits in 6 innings against him, and while Piazza's blast was certainly more monumental, Olerud's solo shot in the third was also an absolute laser beam that hit off the bottom of the scoreboard in RF. On the flipside, Leiter continued his impressive bounceback from early season struggles, tossing his 7th straight quality start -- a span during which he only gave up 1 home run. I found it a little surprising he still went out there to pitch the 8th inning having already eclipsed 100 pitches and with the 2-3-4 spots up in the Yankee order. But that shows what I know, as Leiter retired the side in order. Benitez came in for the 9th, and while he did give up a double to Scott Brosius off the wall, a walk and a wild pitch, he still struck out 2 to pick up the save.

This win improved the Mets to 22-10 since June 6, the best record in baseball. Things are really looking up.

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The Mets suck! They need to trade Smith and get somebody like Jones.
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The Mets suck! Smith made three errors in this game, and hit into a double play, and the Mets blew a 5-0 lead. They need to get rid of Smith and get somebody like Jones.
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Newspaper covers for this game
Piazza's Pop

Piazza's Pop

July 10, 1999

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