Jae Weong Seo
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Jae Weong Seo

Jae Weong Seo
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 274 of 1237 players
Jae Weong Seo
Born: May 24, 1977 at Kwanju, South Korea
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.01 Weight: 215

Jae Weong Seo has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 12 times, most recently on February 5, 2023.


First Mets game: July 21, 2002
Last Mets game: October 1, 2005

Share your memories of Jae Weong Seo


Joanna Semsey
May 5, 2003
Right now Jae Seo is pitching real well. he pitched great against the D-Backs, even though he Mets lost. And in his last start he pitched well, but got a no-decision. I know this guy will be around for years to come in the future.

Etch 35
June 13, 2003
Jae has come out of nowhere to become our most successful pitcher this season. The only knock on him is that his fastball does not have much velocity. I know that years back he was touted as a fire-baller, but he had Tommy John surgery on his elbow.

I have heard some experts say that if a pitcher has TJ surgery at a somewhat young age, it takes 2 to 3 years to fully recover. But afterwards the surgery can actually make a hard thrower throw even harder. I don't know if I buy that, and I can't remember how many years ago Jae had the surgery. But if it's true can you imagine how good he would be if he could add a 90-95 mph fastball to his already potent repetoire? Don't get me wrong, he's got nasty stuff already, but if what I heard is true, he could really turn out to be an Ace. He's right around the strike zone every pitch and umpires love that. On top of that, it's easy to see that most hitters are fooled or at least uneasy with him on the mound.

Anyone remember how long it's been since he went under the knife? Has anyone ever heard about the theory of coming back stronger after TJ surgery? I'm curious to know.

July 25, 2003
I was afraid of this. The league has obviously figured him out, I believe he is winless in his last 5 starts. He's got to develop another pitch or two to be successful next year because now that everyone knows how he pitches he is getting the crap beat out of him, although I'm not sure that loser Vern Rhule will be able to help him do that.

December 19, 2003
Ichiro51, I didn't go back to read my exact comments, but I do believe I left room for improvement, regardless of the lame offense, Jae had a stretch there where he was getting rocked and knocked out of the box early in games giving up 4 or 5 runs before the 5th inning so even if they could have scored runs for him the team was playing catch-up ball constantly there for a while, and a winning team doesn't do that. I did say he had to make some adjustments and throw more then 2 standard pitches which apparantly he did. I'm watching MLB a long time and this team practically all of my life and I have seen this syndrome time and time again-I know what I'm talking about. Hopefully he can reprise his good performance next season and remember thse adjustments he made.

Mr. Sparkle
January 14, 2005
I remember when they signed him and his brother out of Korea. Jae was supposed to be a superstar but has not come close. He had some glimpses of talent in 2003 but took a step back in 2004 and will more than likely be in someone's bullpen in 2005. He has lost his value and will probably never be what he should have been.

Mr. Sparkle
October 13, 2005
I thought for sure after last season's poor performance that Jae had worn out his welcome with the Mets. But when he got the chance this year he has been lights out. His new pitch learned in Norfolk has resurrected his career and he is becoming everything the Mets thought he would be when they signed him out of South Korea. He has been their best pitcher in the second half. But can we count on him to do that in 2006? I'd like to think so but I can still see the 2004 Jae Seo and wonder if this year is just a tease and he's not really that good.

Mr. Sparkle
May 28, 2007
Currently the 6th highest paid player on the D-Rays at $1,200,000. He's got an ERA of 8.10 and a WHIP of 1.90 and a BAA of .366. Amazingly he is 3-4. How the hell did he win 3 games? That's proof positive that for Anthony Young to lose all of those games in a row he had to suck pretty bad.

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