Roberto Alomar
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Roberto Alomar

Roberto Alomar
Inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame, 2011
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 35 of 1236 players
Roberto Velazquez Alomar
Born: February 5, 1968 at Ponce, P.R.
Throws: Right Bats: Both
Height: 6.00 Weight: 185

Roberto Alomar has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 25 times, most recently on April 30, 2021.


First Mets game: April 1, 2002
Last Mets game: June 30, 2003

Brother of Sandy Alomar
Son of Sandy Alomar

Share your memories of Roberto Alomar


Coach HoJo 20
December 11, 2001
This is a dream come true for me! For years I would dream of Alomar in a Mets UNI and it’s finally happened. Obviously Alomar is no spring chicken but he is still one of the best second basemen in baseball and came off one of his best seasons of his career.

Although I am happy about this deal I can help but think of two things that happened to the Mets in the past

1- The Carlos Baerga trade…. Carlos was awesome and then the minute he came to the Mets he gained 60 pounds and lost all his ability. Granted Alomar is better than Baerga but he is older so that MUST be factored in.

2- The Mike Hampton trade…. The Mets put together a blockbuster trade for an awesome pitcher with one year left on his contract. He took us to the World Series, everything looked great that was until he signed with the Rockies. Alomar is in his last season, but he does have an option for 2003, the question is will he love Queens? Or will he want to live in a warm environment that is closer to his family?

Food for thought....

Won Doney
December 11, 2001
I can't believe Steve Phillips actually traded for a big name rather than talking a lot about it and not coming through when he's close. I'm impressed.

Alomar will be good, but I'm a little worried about Fonzie. He doesn't want to go back to third.

The Mets infield is going to be the best, plus the Mets lineup will go from the bottom to near the top.

Mr. Sparkle
December 14, 2001
This guy's a winner, period. He's another perennial all-star, next to Piazza, and now he's a Met. I hated him for spitting at the ump but now all is forgiven. He's going to be awesome!

Joe Figliola
April 2, 2002
I temper his arrival with caution (rememberhow everyone whooped it up when Carlos Baerga came over?). But I think he'll take to New York the way the fans have taken to him.

Robbie is a very high-profile guy. When he played for Toronto, he lived in the hotel built into SkyDome. How cool was that? I remember Sports Illustrated doing an article about it back in 1991 or 1992, although the employees at the hotel said he wasn't a big tipper. His biggest blunder, however, is not the spitting incident; it's the fact that he's dating that psychopathic bimbo Mary Pierce! UGGH! Oh, well, nobody's perfect.

Mr. Sparkle
May 16, 2002
Not for nothing but how the hell did the spirit of Ron Gardenhire get into Alomar's body? OK it's early and you should give him more time but he has done nothing to impress me. His fielding has been atrocious, ala Gardenhire, he can't hit, ala Gardenhire, and he's trying to bunt for a base hit with runners in scoring position. They say he needs to find his groove because he has no confidence at the plate. How can a future hall of famer have no confidence at the plate? I'm still hopeful that he'll turn it around but so far, I'd say he should be managing the Twins, oh no wait, that's Ron Gardenhire!

Larry Burns
May 31, 2002
OK, I am still 100% behind this acquisition, but I am getting nervous. Why is it that whenever we sign "Hall of Famers" (Especially 2nd basemen) they come here and don't do well? I still think he turns it around, but with our track record... My blood pressure is going up. And to think I spent the winter defending his spitting in the umps face!

June 5, 2002
Let's face it. He's not going to hit any better and I've never seen him field worse. He plays as if he's sleepwalking and as a supposed base-stealer, he stands there like a statue when on base. He's obsessed with bunting - even when batting third. He's just not a New York kinda guy. Whatever other players have said about his having a higher perception when he's out there, I ain't buyin' it. Let's trade him to the White Sox, where he could rejoin his brother, Sandy, and get Ray Durham (5 homers, 15 steals, .283 average to date) to replace him and a couple of prospects while there's still time.

Mr. Sparkle
July 1, 2002
Now he is complaining that that infield grass at Shea slows the ball down and that's why he is hitting 40 points below his career average. Sounds like Vince Coleman and why the dirt in the infield will keep him out of the hall of fame. Maybe those slower ground balls are why you've had so many errors Roberto huh? Denies saying he's looking forward to his next team after the Mets. Either way, I don't care. I hope they trade him before the deadline and get some good minor leaguers since they have a pretty deficient farm team right now. Roberto has got to be the biggest dissapointment in a long, long time.

July 1, 2002
I didn't like him since he was out of line with that umpire in 1996 and made comments about the guy's sick kid. I think he has no class, and he looks like he doesn't want to be here. I also think someone might have slipped him Baerga's old cleats.

Mr. Sparkle
August 26, 2002
It's funny how Roberto finally started playing well just before the trade deadline to keep the Mets from trading him and then went down the tubes after the deadline. He screwed himself into playing here for the rest of the year. I do hope they trade him and yes, I think he'll have a great year next year when he's out of NY. He'll go down in Mets lore with the Richie Hebner's and Tommy Herr's of the world. Thanks for bringing your hall of fame career for a stop in Flushing Roberto, we got the worst you had to offer!

October 1, 2002
Please, Robbie, demand a trade. Please. Go. Take your little ball strategy from the third hole outta here, anywhere. This guy's HR and RBI totals for the whole year would've been a bad first half. Do you all realize if you combine his and Burnitz HR and RBIs, you'd get 30 HR and what, 105 RBI? How bleeping pitiful is that? And the worst part isn't losing anyone we traded in the deal to get him - it's losing the player we traded in a deal for someone we traded to get him. While Robbie booted his way through the year, Rick Reed won 15 games for the Twins this year and is pitching in the post-season. Please, Robbie, go away. You're a shadow of your former self.

February 20, 2003
OK I'll share my memories of Roberto Alomar-All of them SUCK. I thought he was a classless piece of sub-human trash when he spit on that umpire and cursed his disabled kid in the AL Play-offs back in 96 or 97. And now he has a sub-par year and he whines to all of the newspapers about the Mets not extending his contract. That's the only decision the Mets have made so far that I agree with. I know I'm always lavished with bonuses at my job when I don't pull my weight. Come on Alomar stop being an over-paid whiny-ass cry baby and show us Mets fans something before you start crying to all of media about not getting a contract extension. I HATE this guy with the white hot intensity of 1000 suns! Your father and brother are probably ashamed that they are related to you.

Jonah Falcon
March 14, 2003
Just so you know, Roberto Alomar and John Hirschbeck have LONG made up, and (I'm not kidding) they're close friends now. In fact, Alomar has done a ton of work with Hirschbeck's charity organization. It's a brilliant end to a sorry beginning.

March 21, 2003
Thats very nice that he made up with Hircshbeck but the incident itself shows this piece of crap's lovely character in the first place. There are reasons why teams let all-star players go. I know the Indians were having a fire sale, trying to cut their salaries down, but Alomar is a known cancer in the clubhouse, and is obviously a horrendous influence. He got Rey Ordonez into the bad habit of sliding into first base (as if Ordonez needed another bad habit) What kind of leadership is that when he twists the fundamentals of the game and gets other players to go along with it? He's a piece of crap. I don't care if he becomes a member of the 40/40 club this year, I will always despise him.

April 22, 2003
This guy just makes me want to rip my hair out, now he's afraid of getting taken out by the base runner in a double play? I've seen pee wee little leagers play with more heart, spirit and just a pure love of the game. Some of the losses you can blame on Benitez but Alomar's "I'm too valuable to get clocked while doing my job" is a close second. What an ass. Hey Roberto-Give me your salary and I'll let Ty Wiggington bowl me over at home plate once an hour! You lame sorry excuse for a so-called Hall of Famer!

May 20, 2003
It's been said before, and it will be said again. He is the second coming of Carlos Baerga. We will be very lucky if he can provide .280-12-65. But he won't.

Larry Burns
June 10, 2003
Can everyone stop comparing him to Carlos Baerga. Baerga was much better with the Mets than this guy. Another example of Steve "I am gonna get creative" Phillips signing an over the hill player. I will admit I backed the original signing, but then we compound it by letting an original Met, Edgardo Alfonzo, go. I guess we kept the wrong Hispanic infielder. I truly hate this guy.

June 11, 2003
I agree Larry. I think once they unload this overpaid, non-producing whiner you'll see a change in the attitude of this team. He's a cancer in the club house and his crappy attitude affects the entire team. Once they dump him I think the clouds will lift around Shea. I'd gladly take Carlos Baerga back in place of this piece of trash. What good is a Gold Glove if you're afraid of someone sliding into you at 2nd and not turning much needed double plays? What a waste of space he is.

Mr. Sparkle
June 19, 2003
I was flabbergasted the other night when he came up with runners on first and second no outs and he bunted. Is he kidding me? We need RBI's from you pal, not bunt singles with runners on. Don't leave it up to the next guy, have some balls! Shari is right, the clouds will lift as soon as El Roberto leaves. Unfortunately the clown is hurt and we may not get any value for this future Hall of Famer and current hall of suckdom! The only way a contender will trade for this guy is if they are desperate for a 2nd baseman or stupid. Of course once traded he'll probably hit .350 with power but it would be justice if in his first game elsewhere to see him slide head first into first base and break his hand!

Joe Figliola
July 2, 2003
C'mon, Griff, since the trade was announced, I'm ready to meet you at Flushing with an Allied Vans truck.

Good riddance, Robbie. He cost me $10 last year because I said he would have a higher batting average than Soriano. I ought to write him and make him pay me back.

July 2, 2003
HOORAY!!! Finally! I'm so glad this piece of garbage was shipped off to Chicago, sure he'll go on to hit .400 now, but I hate him, he has no class, a lousy attitude and I for one am thrilled that he's out of the Met's lives. Now maybe we will see some inspired play without this downer hanging around the clubhouse.

July 2, 2003
Adios! Roberto will go down in Met history as the all- time disappointment, and with the Mets, that is saying a lot. What strikes me particularly strangely is his utter lack of good instincts and baseball smarts. Wasn't he known for that? What is the problem with the Mets talent evaluation?

Mr. Sparkle
July 3, 2003
I am so happy this zero is gone. He is the ultimate selfish player. He did not say anything bad about the Mets organization after the trade which is a good thing but he did hint that he wasn't motivated in NY since the Mets were a bad team. Not in April they weren't! Plus, his father said he can't play well on a bad team. That just shows he only gets up for big games and does not care about the team. Jeromy Burnitz (who wants out of NY) said last night he plays the same way no matter what place the Mets are in and I do believe he gives it his all. Alomar, Hall of Fame bound and all, does not deserve to be a Met if he can't get motivated. I'd rather have Ron Gardenhire back instead!

Etch 35
July 4, 2003
Wow, I can't believe it ended like this. I never would have thought that a perenial all-star and gold glover, who was highly respected around the league as a "heady" ballplayer with great instincts, did nothing for us. HE DID NONE OF THE ABOVE!! He was a bad fielder, couldn't hit at all from the right side (not that good on left either), and played the game with less enthusiasm than almost anyone I've ever seen.

If he was at some time a "smart" or "cerebral" ballplayer with "good instincts", then I did not see that either. Bunting with 2 outs and nobody on...bunting with runners in scoring position...throwing weakly off his back foot to turn double plays...head first slides into first...never got a jump on a pitcher when trying to steal. (Never tried to steal, for that matter.)

How could this happen? I love this team and I always give the team the benefit of a doubt. I always try to keep a positive attitude about things, but honestly....Are we cursed, Mets fans? God Help Us.

Tha Shacmasta
July 15, 2003
I'll give Alomar a little credit. He didn't make any excuses about hiss Met tenure. When he was asked what went wrong in New York he said it just didn't work out plain and simple. He could have said they kept moving me in the batting order or the grass was too high... He kept his mouth shut, but my personal opinion I think when the writers look to vote this guy into the Hall they should really take a hard look at the 1 1/2 years he put in, because he showed his lack of knowledge for the game and his inability to adjust to the much harder throwers of the National League. A future Hall of Famer should be able to make those kind of adjustments.

July 23, 2003
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, and never come back. The White Sox got this loser and cancerous Carl Everett on the same day. What a surprise they're going no place.

And right - he says he played like a chump because the Mets were bad. Never occurred to him that the Mets were bad because he played like a chump. A "Hall of Famer" who can't make a team better. Just along for the ride.

Alomer is not just Carlos Baerga, he's Tony Fernandez. That lost look on his face, those weak swings - GOOD BYE.

September 10, 2003
What I remember most about his tenure with the Mets is his whiny sad-sack, big baby demeanor and less than mediocre numbers with the bat & the glove. It's no accident that since he's gone the team's spirit seems a lot better. He was nothing but a black cloud in that club house. I don't watch any American League games so it's nice not to hear his name or see his mopey face anymore. I hated his guts.

June 19, 2004
I think the Mets performed an amazing trick:

They turned Roberto Alomar from being a future Hall-of- Famer and the best second baseman in baseball into a dull, ordinary, and whining second baseman! ("The Magic is Back!")

How did they do it? Inquiring minds want to know!

Jonathan Stern
March 21, 2005
Retired? Wow.

The Roberto Alomar Story (not coming to a theater near you): He went to Shea and lost his way. No way this guy gets into Cooperstown.

I think of this guy and shake my head. What the hell happened here?

Tom L
November 23, 2005
Deja Vu all over again. Carlos Baerga, minus the likability.

March 22, 2006
A poor excuse for a good player. We all had high expectations when he came in, as we had with Jeromy Burnitz and Mo Vaughn, and he failed us.

October 12, 2006
Alomar was one of the biggest Met letdowns in the team's history.... another one of those guys with superb stats (and an attitude to match) who got a deal with the Mets and then proceeded to lose his talent immediately. He couldn't hit, his fielding wasn't that great and he did nothing but complain. As someone said a few posts earlier at least he didn't leave the Mets and put up star numbers again. He was indeed washed up.

Tom Quinn
October 18, 2007
It's amusing to read the comments here from shortly after his acquisition compared to the consensus of opinion that began about two months into his tenure. This was one of the biggest busts in Mets history. Another in a select group of "great" players who were great elsewhere, came to Shea and contributed as much as the guys who were supposed to fix the plumbing in the Shea bathrooms in the 70's and 80's. It was amazing to watch someone go from sure-fire Hall of Famer to a near-guarantee of not getting in at all.

October 1, 2008
This season he was one of the people who changed the number on the Shea countdown sign in left center field. He stood there with his brother and father. I couldn't believe it, they seemed to do it super fast too. The announcer reminded me of the speed talking FedEx commercials that were on TV years ago. Roberto looked like he was embarassed and couldn't wait to be gone. Before the crowd could notice and give him the razzing that he richly deserves he was gone.

The Roberto Alomar Team
January 1, 2009
Hey Roberto fans,

Thanks so much for all your support! Make sure you check out, the Official Site of baseball legend Roberto Alomar!

There you can find Roberto's personal blog, signed memorabilia, and much more! Be sure to drop Roberto a comment or question while you're there-- the messages go directly to him!

See you in the stands,

The Roberto Alomar Team

February 25, 2009
Interesting development here, because I always thought he was gay, and still do.

I recall all the buzz about Mike Piazza, which I never believed.


April 4, 2011
This guy was absolutely dreadful as a Met. He looked like a totally different player than the guy who played in Toronto, Baltimore and Cleveland. But let's be realistic for a second. Despite his pathetic Mets career, he is easily the best 2nd baseman of the last 25 years and is without question a Hall of Famer. He was the best 2b in baseball for a decade, a 2x World Series hero, won a million gold gloves and made every team he played for significantly better.. except the Mets, of course.

Hot Foot
May 5, 2021
So Robbie just got put on the MLB ineligible list. It made me remember the only memory I have of him as a player, in person or on TV. Scrolling through all the past comments, I understand that most people who posted commented on his poor on-field performance and lack of HOF credentials. I agree. However, I have ZERO memories of him as a Met. I vaguely remember how excited I was when the Mets got him from Cleveland, but the only memory I have of him is as a Blue Jay.

On August 2, 1993 the Blue Jays were playing at Yankee Stadium. Afternoon baseball in the Bronx and I was there. I distinctly remember the date because when John Olerud came to the plate he was batting .400 and I remember thinking something like wow, it's August and he's batting .400. So anyway that was future Met John Olerud. As far as Robbie goes, I will never forget how he got into an argument with the umpire over balls and strikes, get thrown out of the game, and then spit at the umpire or at least in his direction. I remember him spitting because I saw it and after he did it, the Yankee Stadium crowd went rabid on him.

So the weird thing is, he's infamous not only for being put on the ineligible list but also his spitting incident as a Baltimore Oriole. But I am a witness that he also did it as a Blue Jay in 1993, only it didn't get as much publicity.

That's my only memory of Alomar- him spitting at an ump in 1993. I remember nothing of him as a Met. That era as a whole was a dark period in the franchise's history that's best forgotten.

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