Glendon Rusch
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Glendon Rusch

Glendon Rusch
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 353 of 1237 players
Glendon James Rusch
Born: November 7, 1974 at Seattle, Wash.
Throws: Left Bats: Left
Height: 6.01 Weight: 200

Glendon Rusch was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on November 28, 2016, and January 25, 2020.


First Mets game: September 17, 1999
Last Mets game: October 7, 2001

Share your memories of Glendon Rusch


Glendon has been solid all year. I saw him pitch in person at Pittsburgh this year and he pitched a fine game. I hope the Mets hang on to him and give him some run support.

Won Doney
December 23, 2000
Glendon Rusch was very good throughout the 2000 season. His 11-11 record represents, by no means, what he is capable of. Next year, I think he'll win more and have an ERA under 4.

Mr. Sparkle
January 8, 2001
This guy came out of nowhere to be a very good pitcher. Thank God he beat out that whack job Bill Pulsipher for the 5th starter job. I can't imagine why they'd want to trade a young guy like this for a fat slob like David Wells. OK Wells has won a World Series but he's 38 and could be done. If Steve Phillips keeps trading away prospects and young guys for 38 year old players one day he's going to wake up with the Baltimore Orioles.

Keep Glendon in New York!!

Logan Swanson
April 13, 2001
This guy's pitches have no movement whatsoever. Reminds me of Tom Gorman, without the Afro. Only reason he's in the Bigs is because pitching is diluted and he's a lefty. Look for Mr. Rusch to give up some LONG home runs.

April 18, 2001
rusch knows how to pitch..i love this guy. his pitches have decent movement, but he spots them very well and doenst hurt himself with walks. prone to give up the longball, like reed is, but alot of solo homers. he shouldve won at least 15 games last year. put on a phenomenal performance in the playoffs last year, which could be a huge confidence boost. the Mets could definitely be doing worse considering that he is basically their number 4 guy. pitched a great game against montreal tonight, 7 scoreless innings with 9 strikeouts. I love when he drops down to sidearm as an out pitch to lefties.

Mr. Sparkle
April 27, 2001
When they picked him up from KC I couldn't understand the interest in a guy with a 12-25 career record. Now I love him. He's a very smart pitcher and he's a winner. Score some runs for him and he'll win 15 or so. He'll go out there and stink up the joint every now and then but 4 out of 5 starts will be very solid.

Mr. Sparkle
May 26, 2001
What was I thinking when I said this guy was good? Maybe I jinxed him because he has sucked ever since.

January 14, 2002
I love Glendon Rusch. He is my favorite player. Every night here in New York I play the lotto number 048 because 48 is his number. I feel his is gonna win about 16 or more games for the Mets in 2002, he has to stick with the breaking ball and stop using his fastball so much because at 89 mph it is not going to bail him out of jams but a sharp slider, decent curve, and good change up will. If you are a Rusch hater after the 2001 season, here is a little statistic for you... out of the 155 pitchers that made 10 or more starts last year he was the second least with run support. Score runs, he will pitch fine.

Mr. Sparkle
January 21, 2002
A lot of times when a guy gets traded I worry the Mets traded him too early and he will blossom elsewhere. I'm really not concerned with that in the Rusch case. He was just OK in 2000 and good in the pen in the playoffs but sucked royally in 2001. Considering he was lousy in KC too I'm pretty sure he won't develop to be more than average at best, if he's lucky.

January 23, 2002
Glendon, the inconsistent one. Glendon who seemed to have to be a little too perfect every time out because the team never scored runs for him. I have to imagine that he might have been better on the Mets this upcoming season because he actually had an offense that could get him 5-6 runs a start. But then again, who knows if he'd be consistent enough not to allow 5-6 runs a start. I wish him well in Milwaukee, I guess, but I don't expect him to have success. Sorry Glendon.

Mr. Sparkle
February 6, 2002
Just signed a 2 year deal with the Brewers for $7,300,000. It amazes me how a borderline 5th starter like Rusch can get that kind of green from a team. Can you imagine over $3.6 mil a year for a guy who's not even a .500 pitcher??? I wish I could make that kind of scratch while sucking at what I do for a living. There is no justice!!!

Gregory Gewirtz
April 1, 2003
Rusch was rushed by the pitching-thin Royals, and then went into an apparent exile to their minor leagues until we got him for the replaceable Dan Murray.

In one of the few times the Mets allowed a young player to take a job, Rusch easily beat out Bill Pulsipher, Bobby M. Jones, and the knuckleballer Dennis Springer, to get the fifth spot in our rotation, and he had some great games.

Rusch was electric in the postseason in 2000, especially in the World Series. He made Jose Canseco look really old in Canseco's one AB in the series.

He was less good in 2001, and despite trade rumors tailing him all season, including ones near the July deadline that would have had him going straight up for Daryle Ward of the Astros or Jeromy Burnitz of the Brewers, we held on to him until we eventually did deal him to the Brewers.

If only the Mets could allow more young guys to accrue in value on the major league team before trading them while their value is high, maybe we'd have a team again.

Mr. Sparkle
June 23, 2003
Currently sporting a 1-11 record and an ERA of 8.31, barely holding a spot in the Brewer rotation. Always knew he was a loser. On a streak of 10 in a row.

Comparing him to Anthony Young who everyone claims was a bad luck pitcher in his streak, Rusch is horrendous and he still had a win this year.

Bob P
September 30, 2003
Holy cow, is there any reason to think that Glendon's 2000 season was anything but a fluke? He has just finished a 1-12 season for the Brewers to drop his carrer record to 42-76. If that's not bad enough, take away 2000 and he is 31-65.

According to's Jayson Stark, Rusch's career winning percentage of .356 is second worst to Jesse Jefferson among pitchers with that many decisions in the last 50 years. Jefferson was a journeyman RHP in the 70s and early 80s who finished his career with a 39-81 record (amazingly, he never pitched for the Mets).

January 15, 2004
Not a bad lefty pitcher, but wow, was he ever ugly. He and Mackey Sasser definitely take top honors for the "Ugliest Met Ever" category.

Jonathan Stern
November 17, 2005
He was either unhittable or terrible. You didn't know what you were going to get out of him from start to start. But I rooted hard for him because he seemed like a good guy. And he was but another example of a quality player who left the team right when the good times ended.

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