Armando Benitez
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Armando Benitez

Armando Benitez
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 79 of 1238 players
Armando German Benitez
Born: November 3, 1972 at Ramon Santana, Dominican Republic
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.04 Weight: 229

Armando Benitez has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 18 times, most recently on June 3, 2021.


First Mets game: April 7, 1999
Last Mets game: July 13, 2003

Share your memories of Armando Benitez


Mr. Sparkle
Thanks for blowing Game 1 of the Series and possibly the entire Subway Series because of it. Get rid of this bum now! He'll bring good value but he's one of the worst clutch pitchers of all time. He's unbelievably awesome at times, unless of course it's a big game and then he sucks! I'd rather have a 50 year old Skip Lockwood back closing games than to see this loser in a big spot. I'd even rather have Rocker come to the Mets. They gotta get rid of this clown before next year!

Coach HoJo20
December 20, 2000
Excuse me while I choke in the Playoffs......

Benitez is good but he shouldn't be the closer on the Mets it should be Johnny Boy Franco. The minute he was made the closer I knew this would back fire on us but I guess the Mets had to find that out the hard way when he blew game one for us

Every one doubted Franco and said Benitez was better well last time I checked Franco was the ONLY pitcher to actually get us a win in the 2K World Series.

I think we learned a valuable lesson here..... NEVER DOUBT JOHN FRANCO

Won Doney
January 2, 2001
He can be very good during most of the season, but he is AWFUL in the fall. I think that the Mets should trade him away. I think that Franco is more reliable and deserves to be the closer more than Benitez. Another thing about Benitez that makes the cons about him outweigh the pros is the whole incident with his fiance.

June 16, 2001
Tonight, June 15, was the beginning of the first subway series of the year, at Shea. About 15 minutes before the game, Channel 11 wasn't running anything so I flipped over (for some unknown reason) to MSG, wondering if they were doing some kind of pregame show. Naturally I'd rather eat glass than listen to Al Trautweig, but I figured maybe there'd be something interesting on before the game. When I got there, they were showing Paul O'Neill's at bat against Benitez at the end of game 1 of the World Series.

That at-bat definitely changed the complexion of that game and arguably that of the whole series as well. No matter what people say about how great Benitez is, and he does have great stuff, watching that replay made me realize why this team will never win a championship with him closing. A veteran hitter was playing it smart, trying to get on base and fouling back pitch after pitch, and eventually got him to go out of the strike zone and he walked him.

Watching that clip, I just feel like Benitez beats himself all the time in pressure situations (i.e. J.T. Snow's 3 home run, among other things). It's like he doesn't trust himself and that's when he runs into trouble. If somebody so much as makes contact with one of his 98 mph fastballs, he freaks out and starts going all over the place.

It seems like he's too emotional a player to be a closer. His emotion can be helpful when he's going well and doesn't think anyone can touch him, and that's when he gets on one of those runs like he did last summer. But once doubt creeps in, look out. He definitely is unhittable at times, but I worry if he gets into a game with a lot on the line.

Mr. Sparkle
August 8, 2001
Tonights game 5-2 Met lead going into the 9th. Piece of cake save opportunity. The wife beater decides to pitch batting practice and gives up bombs to the first two batters. 5-4. He get control, gets the next two out and then gives up a long double to Luis Lopez, the ex-Met. Now I'm sweatin' bullets. Why can't Franco come in when Benitez clearly doesn't have it? When he's bad he's horrible. Next batter, walk. I'm throwing stuff at the TV now. Next batter pops up to shallow right, game over. Unbeleivable. The man responsible for losing the series last year still drives me nuts. He had a good string this year but now it's over. I'd prefer Franco any day. At least you know his head is in the game.

Mr. Sparkle
September 24, 2001
I blame him for losing the World Series last year because he blew game one and now he blows a critical game against the Braves in even worse fashion which kills our miracle pennant chase. You can't lose 4-1 leads in the ninth but Armando did it. How can a closer give up 3 runs like that with two outs? There is no excuse. He blew the series and now it looks like he has blown the season. If this game were in April he may have saved it but in gut check time he chokes. I know how good he can be but if you don't deliver in the clutch what's the point?

Mr. Sparkle
October 1, 2001
I wasn't able to see Saturday's game against the Braves but I did get in my car to listen just in time for the bottom of the ninth. Mets were up 5-1 and Benitez came into pitch. I thought, there's no way he can blow this one. It wasn't even a save opportunity since we were up by 4. Mr. Clutch of course breaks down and gives up 3 runs before they bring in Franco. Unfortunately Johnny screwed up too and lost the game but Armando is the main culprit here. The guy has 42 saves and the only times he blows one is in a clutch situation. He can mow down the Brewers and the Reds and the Expos but in a clutch spot he sucks!!!! THis makes 4 blow saves for the year. This one, the other Brave game and two others (not sure against who). The last two of last year were in the World Series and against the Giants in the playoffs. He had this reputation as a choker with the Orioles and he's living up to it big time here. THe league hits .180 off the guy but in a big game he can't get anyone out. If he could have done his job and hold a 3 and 4 run lead against the Braves we'd be in a 3 way tie for first place right now instead of 4 games out and dead. Nice going Armando. Bring back Mel Rojas!!!

Jim Snedeker
November 15, 2001
First of all, it was not Armando's fault that the Mets did so poorly at the end of the 2001 season. Chalk that up to the Mets' offense, who took the first five months of the season off. If they had done their jobs, Benitez's two incredible chokes in the last two weeks of the season wouldn't have made any difference.

But I must admit that I have never seen Armando win a game. EVERY time I have tuned in a Mets game in which he is brought in, he blows it. It makes me pine for the old days when a "quality start" for a pitcher meant PITCHING NINE INNINGS!!! I can't stand the modern-day managing which says that even if your starter is sailing along after seven innings, YOU MUST TAKE HIM OUT TO PRESERVE HIS ARM. Yeah, preserve his arm, and give him a no-decision instead of the win he deserved, because the stupid closer can't save the game.

Well, back to Armando... I remember in the late 80's when the Mets employed a team psychiatrist. I think it would be a good idea to try one with Armando. It's obvious that he has great stuff (though I've never seen it!); but why can't he find it in clutch situations?

Won Doney
January 23, 2002
Benitez is a great closer, but it seems like the only time I have a reaction to what he does is when he blows games late in the year. If he didn't blow so many important games at the end of the year, it would be easier to talk about how great he is. Lets' face it. There are no closers in baseball that are better than him from about May to August.

Larry Burns
May 16, 2002
This guy is the antithesis of a big game pitcher. The bigger the game, the more he blows. Against the Devil Rays in May he looks like a combination of Rollie Fingers, Goose Gossage, Bruce Sutter, Tug McGraw and Jesse Orosco. Absolutely untouchable and one of the game's best relievers. Late in the year, against a quality opponent in a big spot he looks like a combination of Ally McBeal and Nathan Lane -- an anorexic wimp! In a big spot I would rather have Danny Almonte. As long as he is "the man out of the pen" for the Mets, I do not see them winning anything except team that gets the closest before blowing it!

June 15, 2002
So Ace tells us Met fans to shut up because Armando set single season records for saves. Well let's look at my thesis: The bigger the game the more he sucks. Last night, 2-1 lead over the Yankees, season on the brink, huge game for June. Bring in Benitez to close it and -- tie game -- we lose later. WHAT is the mystery of this guy? He chokes in big spots, period. Armando MUST be banished to a spot where he will not hurt us.

June 21, 2002
I always say I wish they had a stat for making a huge mess and getting out of it by the skin of yur teeth. Yesterday Benitez turns a 3-0 lead into a 3-2 save. He is another king of the "Agita Save" in the same vein as John Franco and Doug Sisk. Why these guys can't come in for one inning and get 3 straight outs I'll never understand. I often wonder why Valentine puts him in games, but then again who else is there? Strickland can't get lefties out most of the time, but I guess it could have been worse instead of Benitez, they could have put that stiff Komiyama in and then we'd be looking at a 5-3 loss last night. I guess I should count my blessings.

Larry Burns
September 5, 2002
My original theory of Armando blowing it in big spots was wrong. He now has added blowing any game at anytime. 2-1 Lead in the 9th. Mets completely out of it, trying not to set a National League mark for consecutive losses at home and--------bang, grooved fastball to Preston Wilson who deposits it over the leftfield wall. I actually threw my remote at the TV. I can no longer watch a game they bring this gigantic stiff into. I now know how Bosox fans felt about Bob Stanley. PLEASE ship this guy ANYWHERE!!!!!

Larry Burns
January 29, 2003
Dog---although everyone has an opinion I can assure you that the majority of Met fans would not miss Armando if he were replaced by an average closer who blows up to 6 games a year. Everyone knows Armando can dominate weaker teams and he puts up impressive numbers, but he falters when he is needed against good teams. There in lies the problem. He seems like he is an excellent closer and he brings you to August and September and you are in important games, but then when you need a quality save against an excellent team you will often find his pitches in the opposing teams bullpen. This then devastates the team and we cannot make it to the next level. He is a relief tease---he makes you think that he is gonna become great, he puts you in position to do well, but then BANG we lose a key game. We will NEVER, EVER, win a World Championship with Armando Benitez and simply hoping that he turns it around is not gonna do it either. We need to trade for or begin grooming a new closer for the future. AMEN!

Randy Packer
April 11, 2003
First in the majors in save percentage over the last 3 years; most saves in 1 run games in the majors over the last three years; 86% save percentage in September games over the past 4 years. Benitez is one of the best closers in baseball. Fan complaints about him are based on emotion and anecdotal observation which has no basis in reality. His performance is not perfect, but it compares favorably to anybody in baseball.

Tom S.
April 11, 2003
I have never felt so unconfident, embarrased, or angry about any player in the history of sports. When a player in any sport is about 95% effective in any category, it's hard to really get on him for that 5% that he may fail. Well, Benitez has a penchant for blowing seasons, big games, and most disgraceful, leaving the clubhouse after blowing games. Benitez saves every game when it doesn't matter, and blows the ones that do - ALWAYS. That's about the only reliable thing you can say about the guy. The only way I will ever feel confident about Benitez is when he's traded and is trying to close a game against the Mets. I cannot stand him, dear God, I cannot stand him!

April 13, 2003
You don't need to read stats to know that Benitez, like his predecessor, is a one-trick pony that opposing players and managers are not intimidated by in the least. The comment about needing to win some games early, on the otherhand, is quite astute--- the closer shouldn't matter as much to any team-- it should just be the guy who happened to match up well with the last batter the losing team sent to the plate. But Benitez, for all his macho, has an IQ and an ego of a pampered child, and doesn't have the mental fortitude to pitch the 7th inning if that's where he is needed most one night, nor to recover from being replaced if the batter or situation calls for a better matchup. His own frailty, defended by a do nothing agent, ties the hands of a manager to do what he gets paid for, which is make managerial decisions. Benitez is the typical athlete of this era-- stronger, more arrogant, more overpaid, and less enjoyable to watch and root for than ever.

Jonah Falcon
April 13, 2003
There are two HUGE problems with Armando Benitez:

a) His fastball is straight as a line. It has NO movement whatsoever. It doesn't matter if you can throw it 100mph because major league hitters will catch up, and if a fastball is straight, you don't need to do much to hit it hard - just stick the bat out.

b) His temperment is completely wrong. I remember that he twice drilled Tino Martinez in the back after the man in front of him homered (once with the Mariners, the next time with the Yankees.) In fact, that second time was DIRECTLY responsible for the Orioles trading him to the Mets. He's a complete embarrassment to organizations. He's a pitching version of Carl Everett. You don't want to count on Benitez, ever.

Plus, he gets easily frustrated ON the mound, too. When he gets into trouble, he overthrows, and walks people left and right til he serves up a hittable pitch.

April 20, 2003
I find it getting harder and harder to watch whenever the Mets are winning in the late innings. If its a 1 run lead in the 9th, you can pretty much kiss the game goodbye and chuck one up in the loss column if their gonna send Benitez to the hill..I think this is going to be the year Benitez totally self-destructs. I can only hope that I wrong...

Jim Snedeker
July 12, 2003
I say let's stop the Armando-bashing. I'm sure he doesn't mean to blow the big games, and feels pretty bad about it when he does. It's just that it's so easy to point out that he tends to choke when it counts. So why keep harping on it?

I think the fault lies in the Mets' coaching staff. It's the pitching coaches' job to fix these sorts of problems. But they haven't--yet they keep trotting him out to yet another heartbreaker.

November 4, 2006
One thing about Benitez always struck me -- for a large and powerful man, he did not use his legs at all when he pitched. It was all arm.

December 20, 2006
Bravo Jonathan Stern. My favorite memory of Armando was a game I attended in Boston. He induced a potential game-ending doubleplay ball that Melvin Mora booted. It cost the Mets the game (not to mention some razzing to my section of Mets fans). Benitez took the time to tell Mora that "it's ok" right out there on the field.

His blown saves were my wife's fault, anyway. Whenever she watched, he blew the save. If I made her turn away, he got the "S"!

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