David Cone
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David Cone

David Cone
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 19 of 1238 players
David Brian Cone
Born: January 2, 1963 at Kansas City, Mo.
Throws: Right Bats: Left
Height: 6.01 Weight: 180

David Cone has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 98 times, most recently on May 10, 2024.


First Mets game: April 11, 1987
Last Mets game: May 28, 2003

Share your memories of David Cone


Mr. Sparkle
I remember one of his first starts with the Mets and he was getting shallacked. He was on the mound and he was either crying or hyperventalating or something. He lost it. He came a long way and turned into a real stud of a pitcher. Trading him away was a huge mistake by the terrible GM Al Harazin. I still love this guy although I can't stomach having him on the Yankees. I root for most ex-Mets and I rooted for him on the Royals and Blue Jays but not on the Yankers. I have to hope he doesn't make the Hall of Fame because if he did, he'd probably totally devastate me and go in as a Yankee. He's border line. I didn't like the rumors about his bullpen antics. They're not fit for print. He's a weird guy.

Logan Swanson
April 16, 2001
Why the Mets couldn't resign Cone in 1992 is a mystery. Cone was in the prime of his career. They were more than happy to throw away money on such turkeys as Vince Coleman, Bobby Bonilla, and Bret "bleach bum" Saberhagan.

Wonder if it had something to do with David's staunch union activities.

Coach HoJo 20
April 27, 2001
When he's good he's awesome. When he's bad he's HORRIBLE. That basically describes David Cone. I never really liked the guy. To me he wasn't a "Met." I felt the same way about SHAMpton. The Mets definitely made a mistake by not resigning him. I also remember that incident that Mr. Sparkle is referring too. At that moment I had enough of him and I wanted him off the team.

John Reilly
May 12, 2001
If Cone's sexual hijinks are what made Wilpon/Doubleday boot him off the Mets, then why is Steve Phillips still here? I'd take Cone the pitcher over Phillips the General Manager every time.

Jersey Joe
August 7, 2001
Kinky sex with spring training groupies ... exposing yourself in the bullpen ... alleged rape in Philadelphia ... and now a Yankee "legend/hero/ A-hole".

Can we please renounce his years as a Met !!! I hate this guy.

Oh yeah, don't forget how he provoked the Dodgers in the '88 Playoffs with his newspaper article. This guy is a real loser ... what a shame that he actually wins so many games.

August 19, 2001
Reminding rookies and veterans alike that if you are going to argue and cuss like a 12-year-old girl about an umpire's call, CALL TIMEOUT. Damn, his own teammates had to practically grab the ball out of his hand in an attempt to save a run. However, he did come oh so close to 20 K's in one game...

October 20, 2001
Back in the 80's before and after he was a Met.I liked Daved Cone.I was a diehard Cards fan.He was one of the only Mets I liked besides Mookie.Still to this day I like David and would love to meet him.He is the only player I like that I have never meet.

December 25, 2001
I was actually at the game in Atlanta when Cone held the ball & argued while 2 Braves tip-toed home behind his back. The Post called it right: "Conehead the Bonehead". Still, one of the great pitchers in a long line of great Mets pitchers.

Larry Burns
May 28, 2002
Here is a great picher who the media loved. I remember his mental meltdown in Atlanta, I thought he was nuts. But he became an excellent pitcher. I would have never guessed in the late 80s that of all the Mets pitchers Cone would have had the greatest career. Even if he did pitch with the YankBags. The only thing that ever annoyed me with Cone was the fact that because he always cooperated with the media they always portrayed him as a principled-standup guy. Was he not the same guy who was accused of exposing himself and watching porno flicks in the bullpen? I guess if you blow off the media and have problems (Straw) you are an archcriminal, but if you grant access, all is forgiven.

Karl de Vries
December 16, 2002
Ah, some more anti-80's Met bashing, because that's what it really is. The Mets of the 80's were loud, obnoxious, arrogant, macho...but undeniably fun. I am 17 years old, fascinated with the 80's Mets, and wish every day that I could have been there during those years. So, I'm a little confused when I hear people bashing Straw, Gooden, (especially) Hernandez, and Dave Cone. Masturbating in the bullpen? If that isn't one of the funniest and craziest things you've ever heard, you come from a very sheltered home, my friend. The umpire incident, 1990 (at Atlanta, by the way) was another silly incident in a long-forgotten era that should be remembered as a warm memory, not an example as to why we should lynch David Cone. And as for pitching for the Yankees? Hey, WE TRADED HIM! Our fault! He didn't defect, he merely found some love and respect from Steinbrenner who, I am forced to admit, is a much smarter baseball operator than some other baseball owners I know of...

December 19, 2002
Isn't sad that one of the 5 best pitchers in Mets history is better known as a Yankee? The fact that the Mets constantly allow this stuff to happen kills me. I hope Wilpon changes this moving forward.

Mr. Sparkle
February 13, 2003
He's back. That's great. I'd love to see him contribute this year. I always loved this guy and will hate Al Harazin forever for trading him away. I hated seeing Cone pitch in the Bronx and I know recently he said his heart was there more than it was here although he was still being paid by them at the time and did win 4 rings with the demon team. But he did have some great years with the Mets. I hope the Mets can keep this guy around after he is truly retired. It's a shame that guys like this and Gooden and Mazzilli end up on Steinbrenner's payroll after they are retired. I hope he doesn't make the hall of fame, I doubt he will, since if he did he'd probably go in with a demon hat rather than a Mets hat. I hope he can keep it in his pants in the bullpen this time around!

February 13, 2003
I know everyone loves for an old fan favorite to come back and do well, but lets face it that kind of stuff doesn't happen at Shea, and this isn't a re-make of The Natural starring Robert Redford. WILPON & PHILLIPS STOP SIGNING WASHED-UP OLD FOSSILS ALL READY!!!!!!!!!!!! It doesn't work for us, if the other team across town signed Conie again I guarantee he would have a renaissance year. When are you people going to learn luring old damaged goods out of retirement does not work for this team. Conie-nothing personal, but I would prefer that they sign a young guy with lots of potential than getting you back now.

Gregory Gewirtz
March 29, 2003
Cone is a mere impediment to the development of our more talented younger pitchers, and is a total waste of time.

In his last two active years, he has shown himself to be a 5 inning pitcher, and having pitchers with no stamina will kill your bullpen.

Any of our young pitchers - Bacsik, Middlebrook, Heilman, Seo, etc., could put up the same 5 innings at a 4.50 ERA that Cone will, except they stand to progress with experience.

Joe Figliola
June 5, 2003
I am proud to say that I scored Dave's last win AND last base hit in his turbulent career.

I always liked him, even though I would sometimes sing the Finesse Shampoo theme song at Shea ("Sometimes you need a little Finesse...") following the alleged incident where the teenage girls claimed Dave was having some fun with a bottle of Finesse shampoo. But I only sang that when he was screwing up.

My favorite Met moment involving Cone was a 1989 game (I don't remember the opponent but it was a hot Saturday night) where he hit a gapper and he was trying hard to get a triple. I remember chanting "Run, David, run!" as he rounded second. Unfortunately, he didn't quite make it. But the Mets won, anyway. By the way, he went 4/12 for me with a double, and he was a lifetime 7/39 batting.

Unfortunately, none of his five world championship rings was attained in his Mets uniform. I'm only sorry that the Mets didn't push harder to get him when he was a free agent in the mid-1990s. Perhaps he could have earned one beating the Yankees in 2000.

June 14, 2003
My girlfriend and I went to see the Mets in San Diego. We saw a weekend day game, then went back to our hotel, where the Mets were also staying.

We were dancing to the music in the bar when some of the Mets came in. I only remember Cone and Mackey Sasser. At one point, they were dancing near us with some women.

Suddenly, Sasser was holding his nose, waving away a smell and saying "awww, Coney." Cone was laughing. Apparently, he farted on the dance floor and Sasser caught the worst of it.

Censor me if you like, but it's a true story.

June 14, 2003
I went to see the Mets at Candlestick in San Francisco. Cone pitched; Kevin Mitchell hit a 440 foot HR off of him. Mets lost; I think Cone took the L.

Anyway, I knew where the Mets were staying, so my girlfriend and I went to the bar at their hotel. Cone, Elster, and Rick Cerone came in. Cerone had just homered a week earlier, and I am from NJ, like him, so I figured I'd introduce myself, say I am from NJ, and mention his homer. I did, and he was cold as ice. A real jerk, actually. Sitting at the bar alone, smoking a cigarette (yes, in California that used to be allowed.)

Back to David Cone - the bar had ESPN Sportscenter on, so we watched Cone watch himself give up the monster homer to Mitchell. Elster was busting his chops. Can't remember what other players were there, but they were all getting on him.

BEST part of the story: Bob Murphy came in...I sat with him at the bar and talked Mets for an hour. I bought him two drinks to say thanks for all the great years. I think it was 1991 or 1992, and he told me he intended to do one more year w. the Mets. Here it is in 2003 and the Murph is still doing the (infrequent) happy recap.

Danny Baseball
April 10, 2004
David Cone was one of the most electrifying pitchers of his time. He had a nice array of pitches and was money pitcher. He's tops in my book. If Bill Mazeroski can go to the Hall of Fame David Cone should be there too.

July 23, 2004
He was such a great pitcher. And the Mets unloaded him because he had that thing that was anathema to the post-1986 Mets: personality. They swept out every player who was not a milquetoast as quick as they could. Cone was just one of the last to go. And they traded him for Jeff Kent, who proceeded to whine his way out of New York, for Carlos Baerga! Trades from hell!

Great competitor, great drive. What I remember best about him are not the accusations of masturbation (the accuser was a woman of questionable virtue), but how he maintained composure in the face of disaster, like the 1988 column, the 1990 Atlanta incident, the 1996 aneurysm, getting bitten by the dog so El Duque could come up.

I was glad when he came to the Yankees, and happier that they re-signed him. Steinbrenner definitely got his money's worth out of Coney. The perfect game, sadly, was really the end. It was like he was a different pitcher after that...everything he had went into that perfecto.

I'll also never forget how he sat in the Yankee bleachers for a game, and the commercial he did with the "ANSKY" guys, where they tend to his arm. That was funny!

Jonathan Stern
December 1, 2005
I don't know where to begin with Cone, so I'll just compile a list:

1. The crazed look on his face whenever he lost his composure, referred to by Harper and Klapisch as Cone's "Marty Feldman look." 2. His willingness to pitch to Mackey Sasser despite the latter's throwing problems. 3. His 1991 19-strikeout-performance in Philly done in the shadow of rape allegations. 4. His great rapport with the media, aided and abetted by his own personal writing ambitions. 5. 20-3 in his first full year at Shea. How often do you see a W-L record like that? 6. The x-rated business in 1992, presaging his banishment from Shea (for Ryan Thompson and Jeff Kent, the latter of whom was traded for, uh, Baerga and Espinoso). 7. Yours truly cheering like mad for him in the 1992 World Series when he won a ring with Toronto. 8. His 1994 Cy Young Award. 9. His winning World Championship after World Championship with the hated Yankees. 10. His probable place in Cooperstown.

I can come up with many more, but I'll leave it at ten.

Like most of the mid-to-late-80's Mets, the man was no choirboy. But he was colorful, competitive, articulate, and a winner. He made the Mets exciting to watch at time when they were collapsing as an organization. When they traded him to Canada, it truly was, as Cone himself put it at the time, the end of an era. One of my all-time favorite Mets... on the field, not off of it.

Mark Corrao
December 21, 2005
Why did he have to write that column for the New York Post during the 1988 playoffs? We have writers for that. Was he not making enough money pitching? He rallied up the Dodgers, who we dominated all season 10-1. All that being said, he was one of the best pitchers ever to wear a NY Mets uniform. He had some nasty stuff. Too bad he pitched his no hitter for the Yankees and not us. A class act, too.

Larry Burns
May 10, 2006
A shining example of the fickle nature of the New York Sports media. He exposes himself to some girls in the Mets bullpen, but because he was so accessible he was given a free pass and was crowned the honorable elderstatesmen on the Yankees. Loved the Laredo Slider!

Jeff Young
June 8, 2013
Most of what I remember about Cone has, of course, already been covered here, but I don't see anyone mention that his career was being covered for a while by a paper in Israel because they were under the impression that his name was Cohen, not Cone.

Mike McGarry
July 7, 2016
I remember, in 1988, after the Mets had owned the Dodgers in the regular season, Cone made childishly disparaging remarks about the Dodgers immediately before his first NLCS start, and of course, the Dodgers ate him up in that start. Later, with the Dodgers up 3 games to 2, Cone pitched a complete game victory giving up only one run. In other words, Cone was Cone. Had Cone only kept his mouth shut, we might have never gotten to that disastrous game seven. He was one of the greatest pitchers in our franchise: how did they ever let him go in his prime?

Also, can anyone tell me the date of his famous pinch-hit?

Steve Lederman
April 8, 2021
Does anyone know what "Laredo" means when it comes to David Cone?

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