Doug Sisk
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Doug Sisk

Doug Sisk
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 99 of 1238 players
Douglas Randall Sisk
Born: September 26, 1957 at Renton, Wash.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.02 Weight: 210

Doug Sisk was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on September 23, 2005, December 8, 2010, April 29, 2011, May 2, 2017, June 1, 2019, January 9, 2020, and July 22, 2022.


First Mets game: September 6, 1982
Last Mets game: October 2, 1987

Share your memories of Doug Sisk


Danny Erickson
December 17, 2000
I have always thought that Doug Sisks' pitching in 1983 and 1984 was pretty awesome. It was a shame that he struggled mightily with his control after that. Doug Sisk was one of the nicest ballplayers I have ever met. He talked with me extensively after his signing session at the last 1986 Mets reunion show. Doug listened to all the questions I asked him and replied with glee. A nice man.

Jim Snedeker
November 19, 2001
I just never thought always walking the first man you face was part of a reliever's job.

Hot Foot
March 1, 2002
As a nine year old in 86 I would pray that he would never enter the game when I saw him warming up in the bullpen.

May 20, 2002
I used to get agita when he would come into the game. I get the same feeling when John Franco comes in nowadays, another guy who was great at loading up the bases and getting himself out of it. If only they had a thing called "Agita Saves" Dougie would top the list.

Larry Burns
May 30, 2002
Doug Risk? The best terrible relief pitcher I ever saw. He could choke on sherbert. In one game that my friends and I went to, Doug blew a save and it cost the Mets dearly. (I cannot even remember which time, there were so many). We were all feeling little pain and our disappointment and outrage reigned down on Dougy from on high. We were so pissed off we continued to rant and rail about what a poor job he does. We stopped to refill our supplies at a local 7-Eleven and one of my friends, a rather laidback and mild mannered guy, goes in and with no remembrance leaves a sparkling stream on a bag of Fritos. He, to this day, has no inkling why he did this, and he has not returned. But that is illustrative of how desperate Sisk could make a Met fan.

Johnny Met
July 3, 2002
The May 4, 1985 game is one I'll never forget. It was my 25th birthday and I thought I'd celebrate by watching the Mets. Unfortunately, Doug Sisk was brought in and promptly gave up a double, triple, grand slam and walked the opposing pitcher all in the same inning. No wonder us fans wanted him to walk the plank.

December 8, 2002
Doug Sisk actually lives in the Tacoma area now and works for the boys and girls club of Pierce County as the athletic director. I have had the honor of working with him and he is a great guy. I could only imagine what he was like back in the day. His stats are great. He likes working with the kids and seeing them mature. They all think that it is cool working with a actual major league ballplayer.

December 17, 2002
I know I was in the minority: No matter how bad(and he was B-A-D) Sisk was, I NEVER booed him. I would close my eyes and shake my head every time he blew a game, a lead etc., BUT I always felt sorry for the man. The fans never gave him a moment of peace!! He deserved to be in KC or Milwaukee where the fans are more tolerant of awful pitchers!! I can still hear everyone yelling.."Sisk, you stink!!"

Mr. Sparkle
December 26, 2002
What can you say about Doug Sisk? The guy was unbelievable. He pitched like a handicapper lays points on a football game. If you're ahead by 4 runs he'll walk the bases loaded and then strike out the side. He blew a few games but overall was more effective than not. Still, he made you reach for the Tums every time he came into a game. Never got the first batter out, never did anything easy. Generally however he got the job done, but not without a slow torture. Had to be a Met.

February 5, 2003
The thing about Doug Sisk was that his ball really moved. Especially the first two years, he had a wicked sinker, a lot like Roger McDowell's in many ways. Then the word got around -- people started laying off his pitches, and the walk totals went up. And he let things get to him mentally (though some of the abuse just became vicious).

April 24, 2003
I always rooted for him because he was all to human. In fact, he was the human embodiment of Charlie Brown when he was out there on the hill. I actually own a Doug button that I purchased at Shea. At the time the girl behind the counter said that it was the only one of his that she ever sold. I still have it.

S. Carol Anne
August 4, 2003
Doug was one of the nicest, most down-to-Earth players in MLB and that was very refreshing. Besides his light- hearted personality, I believe that he COULD have been a bigger addition to the club than he was. . . thank GOD he was no Armando Benitez! If Davey Johnson had used him correctly before and after his surgery, he would have been the effective middle-reliever sinker ball pitcher the Mets sorely needed at that time. I blame Davey Johnson for the early demise of such a promising young pithcher.

Rev Matt
August 8, 2003
Doug Sisk was a true blue Met in the tradition of Marvelous Marv Thornberry and Chico Escuela. I think his problem was that his sinker had so much movement on it there was no way he could control the pitch. In order to get it in the strike zone he probably had to aim it behind the batter's head. He'd walk the bases loaded with one out and either throw a double play ball or a passed ball.

Too bad Casey didn't live long enough to see Doug "risk" Sisk in action.

Dave A
September 16, 2003
I remember driving down to Virginia Beach one summer night and I got the Orioles game on the radio. I think they were playing in Cleveland. It was a tight game, in the late innings when Sisk entered. I didn't need a TV to picture the scene. A packed stadium, a hostile crowd, a hot summer night. The sweat dripping down Sisk's babyfaced cheeks. Runners on the corners and nobody out. I was smiling, I knew what was coming. Ball 1 Ball 2 Ball 3 Bases Loaded The crowd gets louder, next batter Ball 1 Ball 2 Foul Ball (Why the guy swung, I'll never know) Ball 3 Bases clearing double, Orioles losing and here comes the manager, That'll be all for Doug Sisk. He definitely did not have the make up to be pitching in close ball games. I think he would've been rattled pitching in my Tuesday night softball league. I did feel for the guy. Must've been the baby face.

December 2, 2003
I have very positive memories of Doug. He was somewhat of a hero to me growing up. He taught me to root for the underdog. He was always very nice to me. When he was traded to Baltimore, he even took the time to write. As far as his skill level goes, true fans know the whole story. He was doing very well, then he was hurt. When he came back from surgery, Dave Johnson never used him. So, at first, Davey OVER used him, then not at all. For a sinkerballer like Doug to be effective, his arm has to be tired. THAT is why he lost his edge and I believe poor managerial skills ended his career. I will NEVER forgive DJ for what he did to Doug. Any one who doubts this story can look at his early stats. They do not lie. Hope Doug, Lisa and Lindsay are doing well now.

scott rogers
December 19, 2003
Dont know why, but he was one of my favorites. Maybe it was because no one else liked him. I remember him getting the win on Opening Day in 1983, the day Seaver came back. He was great in 83, 84, good combo with Orosco, was not as good in 85 when McDowell and Orosco were the new closers. He went downhill after that. At least he got a ring in 86. I remember he was in the last car in the parade with Neimann. For some reason it was way behind. The accouncers on tv were talking about something else and then they said, oh wait, here comes one last car.

December 3, 2004
The pranks and drinking beer that you talk about - that was Sisco. Even back in the days in community college that was him. That is what got him to the big leagues because he didn't take himself or life too serious that he stressed out about things. He just wanted to have fun. What people don't know is that he was extremly competitive and serious but in his own quirky way. Plus he was sincere and caring about friends and people who were not in his baseball grouping. He is a very humble and giving person.

A.J. Antezana
June 15, 2005
One game that typified the incredibly horrible relief pitcher that Doug Sisk was, is the 7/28/84 game against the Cubs. The night before, Gooden pitches a gem and we take a 4.5 game lead in late July.

Darling pitches the usual game and leave with a 3-3 tie that leaves him with a no-decision after 7 innings. In comes Sisk, who walks the first batter, hits the second batter trying to bunt over the runner, then when the next batter tries to bunt the runners over, he throws the ball away. Hence the avalanche began: 8 runs!

Needless to say, we lost and then lost a doubleheader to the Cubs the next day and we quickly fell out of contention.

Here is the line score on that great outing of Sisk's: 0 IP, 2 H, 3 ER, 4 R, 1 BB, 0 SO.

August 12, 2006
Our memories of Doug are much worse than his stats seem to suggest. I'd like to know what his "inherited runners allowed to score" stat is. Two memories I have are that he pitched the last 3 innings and got the win in Tom Seaver's return to the Mets on Opening Day '83. (I remember the Mets promoting Doug and Jesse Orosco as their one-two punch coming out of the bullpen.) And I'm pretty sure that he was a "replacement" player in '95 with the Mets just before they settled the strike.

Edgy DC
August 12, 2006
Frank Cashen may have been dead right. But Len is dead wrong. Cashen's comment — "You know, it's always the guys who contribute the least who spray the most champagne" — was about Kevin Elster.

It's easy enough to paint Doug Sisk's struggles in 1985 as the difference maker in the division race that year, but Sisk had a perfectly respectable season in 1986, and he has every reason to be proud of his contribution to that team.

Edgy DC
August 19, 2006
I googled "Kevin Elster" + "Frank Cashen + "champagne" quickly found about a dozen references that say it was Elster, but I replaced Elster's name with Niemann's and found a few putting Randy into the account. I even found one of somebody correcting somebody putting Niemann into the story and saying it was Howard Johnson.

Elster gets the most hits (plus my own memory). Neimann is generally placed into a similar account (which may well be the same incident embellished differently) in which he douses the GM and receives a "glare of death" on national television.

But this is a memories of Doug Sisk page, and I can find no accounts of this story in which Sisk is the object of Cashen's barb.

Ed Rising
August 19, 2006
I remember sitting in the left field Mezzanine one night rooting Doug on as hard as I could. Shouting out every encouraging word possible. Telling him I believed in him - coaxing him to get through one of those innings when he'd give up a hit and walk 2 batters and eventually get a double play. Rooting for Doug Sisk (Or Doug Risk as he came to be known) was pure exhaustion! Davey wasn't the only one who needed Rolaids with him on the mound. In fact it would have been funny if Doug did those commericals with Davey!

Probably the only advantage to the extinction of 'old timers' games is that I will probably never have to go through one of his relief appearances again! But I loved him anyway!

September 1, 2006
I remember Sisk giving me heart attacks in the 80s, and how he eventually was booed so badly. I went to the Mets 1986 reunion celebration, and wouldn't you know it, when he was introduced, someone in a nearby section yelled out really loudly, "YOU SUCK!"

It was mean, but we all started laughing.

July 13, 2008
I remember him coming in with sinkers and sliders. He always seemed to load the bases, and usually get out of jams but with the pain to the fan like a dentist pulling teeth. I used to call him Doug RISK. I liked him but he drove us nuts.

Doctor Worm
September 6, 2008
On June 23, 1983, Doug Sisk had a five-inning save. That's something you don't see every day.

April 3, 2009
He seemed to have a good enough sinker, but if he fell one pitch behind in the count you could sense him panicking. Then things would fall apart. It was tough to watch.

May 15, 2009
My brother told me that during his days with the Mets someone blew up his car in the Shea parking lot. That so sick.

Tom Brennan
April 12, 2021
To this day, one of my favorite Mets of all time. He and Orosco were a great 1-2 punch for awhile. Even when he struggled he was always fun to watch. A little too stressful maybe. Met him. GOOD GUY. Deserved better treatment from his manager and the fans.

Jeffrey Phillips
December 11, 2021
I owned a video store in Brown’s Point North of Tacoma and one of our customers was Doug Sisk! I was amazed the first time I recognized his name when he rented a few movies from us. Of course I had to ask him if he had played ML baseball-when he said yes I remember talking to him about his career and the Mets of ‘86; I brought a ball to work with me and kept it handy and sure enough he signed it for me! Nice gentlemen and generous with his time-always with a smile and he always paid his late fees! The perfect customer! Thanks Doug!

February 28, 2022
Doug Sisk the human walk machine and Double play machine. Had one of the best sinkers in the game.

If you look at his stats and ERA he would have been an above-average relief pitcher today. His WHIP was off the chart but found a way to get the job done. Played a big part in those 108 wins in 1986.

December 11, 2022
Doug owned a batting cage in the Olympia, Wa for years. Prior to joining the military I’d stop by and have him sign cards. He was a great guy and last time I checked he moved from Tacoma to Belfair, Wa.

I still have a cello pack I need to drop off to him with him as the top card.

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