Bobby Valentine
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Bobby Valentine

Bobby Valentine
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 41 of 1238 players
Robert John Valentine
Born: May 13, 1950 at Stamford, Conn.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 5.10 Weight: 185

Bobby Valentine has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 25 times, most recently on May 13, 2022.

2b 1b ss 3b Manager
Non-playing roles with Mets
  • Manager 1996 - 2002
  • Coach 1983 - 1985

First Mets game: June 17, 1977
Last Mets game: September 29, 1978

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Bobby Valentine 1972 baseball card
The Village Voice called him "The New Perfesser," and I think that's just about perfect. What a goofball. Met fans and NY media are too uptight to enjoy this guy, even though all he's done is win. We'll miss him after he goes.

Super K
Bobby is the best! He's a player's manager, and I think it's obvious that the team is fond of him, and so are real Mets fans, the people who care about the team, the players and not just sound bites taken out of context. Also, maybe some people only want to debate every decision and make comparisons, but no one can deny this: Bobby is as excited to be out there as any member of the team, and the game is not just a job to him. He's not jaded, and if that means he's not some "professional" with a tie and briefcase in the dugout, I'd rather have him any day.

January 16, 2001
I am sick of everyone bashing a really good manager! This guy wins, people! His self-confidence is obnoxious, no doubt there. But, his teams win ( last year...with rookies and pasted together pitching rotations and bullpens). So, let's give ol' Bobby a break already. I mean...he's not managing the Yankees here...

January 20, 2001
three months later, I still have nothing but anger at Valentine for leaving a plainly worn-out Al Leiter in game 5 of the series. For that decision alone, I would have not re-signed him, and let his sorry behind go to LA.You simply cannot let yourself get talked into leaving a tired pitcher inthere with the season in the balance. If Valentine gets fired this year, I will shed no tears.

Coach HoJo 20
March 25, 2001
You people have to lay off my main man Bobby V. He is one of the smartest managers in baseball. I don't know why people hate this guy so much. You act like ever since he joined the team we have been fighting for second to last place. This guy has been an asset to this team. He is one of the reasons why we were in the World Series. If you want to make fun of a manager make fun of Jeff Torborg.

Yankees fans may say that Bobby V laughs during the game. Its true but he likes to laugh the losses off. At least he doesn't fall a sleep during the games. Like a certain Yankees manager

Anthony J Reccoppa
March 29, 2001
All he has done since comming here to rescue us from Dallas was win. 4 straight above .500 seasons, 2 straight post seasson appearances (only time in Met history), and an appearance in the World Series against the Bronx Monster. He is guilty of only one thing...telling it like it is. So what if he did'nt get along with Bonilla or Rickey...WHO CAN? He's a good manager who knows the game head to toe.

Mr. Sparkle
March 29, 2001
I don't care what anybody says I love this guy. OK he's a little quirky but he's a winner. In the day of the prima donna athelete Booby treats everyone the same which is OK in my book. He knows baseball better than anyone and he certainly out coached the media darling Dusty Baker (who I hate from a Mets fight in the 80's) last October. The mustache and glasses thing in 99 was a pisser and I can't believe people thought he was serious. He gives the mostly amazingly honest interviews on the FAN. Let's get the rings this year Bobby, you've got your work cut out for you with Appier and Trachsel.

Marty C
April 3, 2001
Best manager in team history, hands down; What other manager in team history has four consecutive winning years ? The fact that he got the 1997 team to win 88 games with the talent they had was impressive, to say the least. In my view, there is no other manager that gets as much from his roster as he does. He out managed LaRussa and Dusty Baker out of their shorts in the playoffs. Here is an interesting thought; if he switches places with Joe Torre (my alltime favorite player), the Yankees still win Championships, with their talent level, but I don't think Joe could get as much out of this team as "V" does. He is prepared and has a clear focus on what he is trying to achieve. Is he quirky - Absolutely. At least he is passionate about his job. He certainly keeps things interesting. As someone else said in the comments before, he will be missed when he is gone.

Richie The Met Freak
May 11, 2001
Bobby Valentine completely overmanages the Mets. He makes it appear that he is a great genius of the game of baseball. Maury Chass is correct in calling Bobby Valentine a "self-proclaimed genius".

July 30, 2001
The Met's have a recent history of losing seasons accompanied by ineffecient managers. The exceptions of these valleys of despair are the peaks of brilliant baseball played under the regimes of Davey Johnson and Bobby Valentine. While many teams seem to be able to win despite mediocre managers, the Mets success seems to be reliant on managerial excellent. Bobby Valentine provides the managerial excellence the Mets need to win. I hope Valentine manages the Mets for a long time. Lets not replace him with the new fan favorite version of Bud Harrelson (post-DJ era) and suffer the negative results.

tim ferraro
January 8, 2002
Listen to this!! Last year (2001) I was lucky enough to sit right behind the Mets dugout and I cheered my head for them. Even though they were doing poorly I was encouraging them. All positive and not one swear word. I admit I was loud, but arent I allowed? Some players even nodded and smiled at my comments. The fifth inning Bobby gets up up on the top step and turns to me. I thought he was gonna give me of his patented 'thumbs up', but instead yells at me to "sit down and shut the f--- up". He is an ego maniac and a complete farce to the fans. I was appalled. I cannot root for a team that employs such an awful "man." I'm so glad he sufffers every day with the fact that he has fallen so short of expectations. He will be forgotten.

I paid over 300 dollars to sit there and thats what I get? I used to be the biggest Mets fan, and spent a lot of time and money rooting for them. I like them too much to stop rooting, but I will never waste another penny on them. Bobby Valentine will get what he deserves.

Jim Snedeker
February 19, 2002
I guess I don't listen to enough Mets radio or read enough about Bobby V., because I've always thought of him as an excellent guy and baseball man. I can't understand all the negative feedback he gets. The glasses and fake moustache was the greatest--Bill Veeck would have been proud.

I have in front of me an article about how a Queens woman wrote to the Mets after September 11, and asked them to support her local firehouse, which had lost 19 men. So Bobby V and a bunch of Mets threw a Christmas party at his restaurant for the remaining guys and the families of the men who had died. Bobby V was wrapping Christmas presents for the kids, and had hired a magician and a face-painter for the kids. During the party, he got a call from Steve Phillips, and told him "Steve, I don't want to hear about any more trades. I'm trying to run a Christmas party." He talked with all the kids and gave all of the wives little Swiss Army watches with alarms. Bobby V paid for the party himself.

Squad 288 in Maspeth, Queens, is now the Mets adopted firehouse. One of the firemen paid Bobby V the ultimate compliment: "He would've been a great fireman."

March 28, 2002
Bobby V. is probably one of the best managers that the NY Mets have seen in their 40 year existence. He makes his players happy with his unique tactics, and is loved by the front office. Everyone needs a manager of his caliber. Bobby, we're behind you 110%, well, the die-hard Mets fans are anyway.

Larry Burns
May 31, 2002
I guess my view of Bobby V is pretty simple. He is an arrogant guy whose personality would probably drive me insane if I hung out with him. Not withstanding that, he is an excellent manager and tactician. I don't have to hang out with him and he has made the Mets an over achieving team in the late 1990s and early 2000s, so I can put up with personality traits that I personally am not fond of. If you view him in a professional light, he does an awesome job. Keep up the good work.

Doug F.
June 7, 2002
For me, records speak for themself. I am a long suffering Mets fan, and Bobby V has given me a winning season every full season he has managed this team. He has given me playoff games, and a World Series. He has made my favorite baseball team since I was a little kid competitive no matter what he has been given. When he took the bull by the horns after September 11th by volunteering, and directing a lot of the Shea Parking lot actions, that told me a lot about his character. He has heart, passion, and he is a student of the game. He won the players, the front office, and he will always have mixed reactions by the fans. Either way, love him or hate him, look at his record with this team. This year is starting slow like every year, but I will bet dollars to donuts they will be there in the end.

Doc E
July 3, 2002
Bobby V wins. When the Mets front office quits trying to buy a championship and keeps a decent sized nucleus of players around for a few years, he will get them some more great seasons. It's tough to manage with so many roster changes and I know that Valentine would do better in terms of wins and losses with a more stable roster. He did a hell of a job in 1999 and 2000 in spite of moves the team made that he did not like. I'd really like to see him get and keep the guys he wants. I have confidence in him in spite of the team's rough start. I don't think anybody would do better. He's a terriffic manager.

Richard Kissel
September 14, 2002
Bobby Valentine is a real human being. He gets a bad rap from the press, or did until he showed the type of person he is in the aftermath of "9-11." But Bobby was always the same guy. Bobby is one of the few people in baseball who will stand and sign autographs for every kid who asks. He is not conventional and doesn't do or say things to please the press. I have a lot of respect for Bobby V.

October 2, 2002
Sorry Bobby, I know this year wasn't toally your fault. It's a shame. The sad truth was he couldn't motivate anyone to play for him this year. But how does one motivate a bunch of lazy overpaid pot smoking prima donnas anyway?

October 4, 2002
I have to say I agree with you Mr. Sparkle. Why should these guys need motivation from anyone to play big league ball for big league money? I'd give anything to be rock star right now, but I play in a local band & work my day job and I'm fine with that, no one has to motivate me to do either one the best I possibly can, because it's how I perform is a reflection on me, and if I was this team I'd be so embarassed I wouldn't poke my head out of the dugout next season. Bobby was just the fall guy because everyone knows you cannot fire 25 players, and the fans wanted something done so there you have it-Bobby got sent packing.

Mr. Sparkle
December 23, 2002
Is it possible Wilpon knew he wouldn't sign any free agents if he kept Bobby around? All three of this off season signees, Glavine, Stanton, and Floyd said they wouldn't be here if Bobby was. I think Stanton would have signed anyway since he's from Jersey but it's obvious Bobby isn't all that well respected. I still like him but I just wonder if that went into Wilpon's thinking. At this point, I'm looking forward to the Art Howe era.

December 27, 2002
I think he's a good guy and a good baseball guy, he did a nice job for a number of years and earned a big contract, but let's face it - the team rolled over in 2002, just as it did for most of 2001. Watching the Twins and Angels go to it in the playoffs (as well as the A's 20-game winning streak) made me realize just how dark, dreary and depressing the Mets' season actually was. Even if one could honestly say that so many players had bad years at once, that doesn't excuse the listless, selfish and stupid way they played. Bobby V. looked to me as if he'd lost interest. I too am looking forward to a new feeling in 2003.

December 30, 2002
I couldnt come up with enough scathing things to say about this lifetime loser, except I am embarrassed and feel ripped off to have held season tickets during his tenure (2 "wild card championships" notwithstanding). Simply put, any success the Mets have had in recent years has been despite, not thanks to, Valentine's presence. Has a major league manager ever run out of players more consistently than Valentine? He double-switched his way out of countless games, usually for no defendable reason. All these players coming forward to say they would not have joined the team if Valentine was still here just validates my opinion of the last several years -- that this guy is a laughing stock who the Bobby Coxes of the world live for the opportunity to face.

April 17, 2003
Don't know about all you, but I miss Bobby already. I know it won't happen but I wish they'd bring him back as GM-Manager and see how cool the team would be.

May 29, 2003
Bobby Valentine was the most under appreciated manager in Mets history. He reminds me of Leo Durocher. Durocher was good at insulating his players from the media with his escapades off and on the field particularly when he was managing the Dodgers and the Giants. Like Durocher, Valentine's post game shananigans with the press had him the focal point of the media, leaving his players to concentrate on the task to win games. Like Durocher, Valentine wore number two, was a bench jockey, and often times put the media on with baloney. Like Durocher, everyone seemed to despise Valentine. Like Durocher, Valentine knew the rules and how each player should be utilized based on his abilities. Like Durocher with the Giants, Valentine was able to get to the World Series with a team that was not rated the best in the National League. Perhaps it is the Ralph Branca connection. Valentine is married to Branca's daughter and Branca has said on inummerable occasions that "Leo the Lip" was the best manager he played for in the big leagues.

May 30, 2003
Bobby might have been a little quirky, but he brought the team back to respectability, and above all else a World Series appearence, something no one had been able to do since Davey was here. Firing Bobby was a mistake.

July 20, 2003
The popular suggestion earlier this year was that Glavine and maybe Stanton might not have signed with the Mets had Bobby still been in charge. We should've been so lucky!

I know they say "you can't fire the players" but the decison to whack Bobby and hang onto the players who ousted him has got to be one of the very worst among a long line of bad decisions that doomed this franchise. You all realize Steinbrenner cannot wait to hire this guy. I might hang myself that day.

Barney Beaugareaux
December 14, 2003
Bobby was awesome. He may not have had a great deal of friends in the locker room but neither did Bill Parcells. Bobby had a great baseball mind and did a hell of a job getting what he could out of an over achieving bunch. I wish him well in Japan and I hope to see him back in the majors in 05.

Steve Perry
December 19, 2003
Barney, you must be kidding, comparing Bobby V to Bill Parcells? I know Bobby had a great grasp of the game, but he had little loyalty or love from his players. I always thought he could have been a great manager if he had ever figured a way to relate to his players better.

June 7, 2004
I will admit that I got aggravated a lot of times with Bobby Valentine. I do think that Steve Phillips should have been fired before him. Many will agree that it was time for a managerial change. But, we all should remember that Bobby Valentine did bring a team whose only impact change was getting John Olerud from 71 wins to 88 wins in 1997. Plus, under him they made the playoffs back-to-back seasons for the first time in team history.

My greatest memory of him was during the summer of 2001. My 19th b-day was coming up on June 29. My dad knew Valentine's lawyer so he gave him a birthday card meant for me. During my b-day dinner, I get handed an envelope, open it and take out the card. Inside the card written is "Happy Birthday Anthony" signed by Bobby Valentine, Benny Agabyani, Joe McEwing, Rick Reed, Turk Wendell and others. It is on my bedroom wall in a frame. I will always be especially grateful of him and the others for signing that card for me.

September 24, 2004
He had a lot of bizarre moments, did a lot of bizarre things, and made some bizarre moves, for which he paid the price.

But he was the only Met manager to lead the team to two consecutive post-season appearances.

Jonathan Stern
March 9, 2005
From 1997 to 2000, all the Mets did was win, despite an outfield composed largely of part-timers, the lack of a real ace, and the players' regular eschewal of baserunning fundamentals. The 1999 infield was the greatest imaginable, the bullpen of those years airtight. The team had likable personalities who will grow in stature as years go on (with the sad exceptions, it increasingly appears, of Al Leiter and John Franco).

2001 was memorable for the team's post-9/11 heroics, most of which took place off the field, unfortunately. Then, in 2002, the team finally unravelled. When that happens (as is usually inevitable - see Davey Johnson, and even Gil Hodges), the manager takes the rap... even though it is often the players and/or the front office who take a nap.

Valentine has every reason to hold his head up high when looking back on his Mets tenure. It was long by any manager's standards and it was exciting, at times tumultuous, but in the end very successful, especially in light of the problems mentioned above. Although he rubbed many people the wrong way, for whatever reasons, Bobby V. was a great, great manager, period. Maybe the best we've ever had, as he might have been remembered had he won it all. Definitely someone I'd like to meet some day, perhaps at his excellent restaurant.

March 30, 2005
I'd like to say Bobby V would have been a great player if he hadn't broken his leg with the Angels! He could hit, and play a number of positions. A real shame!

I was not happy when they made him manager. I thought he was a self-promoter, and didn't have the skills as a manager. He won nothing in Texas and spent 7 years there. Now that he's gone a while, my thoughts have changed greatly! He is an excellent skipper, and I wanted him back before Randolph got the job. We who live in the NY/NJ/CT area will never forget him and the Mets during 9/11 and its aftermath! A time the Mets organization stood proud! Good luck, Bobby! Many of us miss you!

Melodee Garrison
April 30, 2005
I remember Bobby waay back when he was with the Spokane Indians. He played shortstop, and he was just great. He had many hearts-a-fluttering back then, mine included, and still does!

George Felonbrenner
May 20, 2005
Let's review the Valentine years: A team full of average nobodies molded into a unit that was able to produce five winning seasons. With the exception of Leiter, Piazza, Hampton, and Olerud, Bobby had nothing to work with. Yet, somehow, somehow He brought the Mets to the playoffs TWICE, winning the NL championship once. Losing the World Series was expected, but getting there wasn’t. How Bobby, with that lackluster team, made it to the big show is a miracle and proof that a higher power exists.

Regardless of this amazing success, Fred Wilpon FIRES Valentine in favor of a GM that cobbled together one of the worst and most overpaid Mets’ team since 91/92. Pretty Boy Philips’ team was so bad, not even Bobby could get that team to .500.

I’m a die hard Mets fan. I took a lot of crap and near beatings (seriously) for being a fan. But, once Valentine was dumped, it took the air out of my sails. Since Bobby embodied the Mets with his personality, arrogance, and outright HUMOR (it's OK to laugh when you lose!), it felt like the soul of the organization was ripped out of the blue and orange. Because of this, I hung up my Mets cap and stopped watching baseball for a while. It kinda bummed me out. The Mets simply weren’t FUN anymore.

October 13, 2005
I miss Bobby. I miss his swagger. I miss the way he would inhale and raise his eyebrows every time a reporter would ask a dumb question (happened quite often too). I miss the way he would take veiled shots at the Yankees. I miss the way he would not accept people treating the Mets as the "second banana" team in NY. I miss the way he didn't care what people thought about him. I miss the way he would have his first baseman do the "Bobby V Dance" when holding runners on. (Actually I really don't miss that.) Say what you like, but Bobby took a team with an outfield of Benny Agbayani, Jay Payton, Darryl Hamilton, Bubba Trammell, et al to a World Series. Think of what he did in '97. That team won 88 games. No small feat. Granted, he had worn out his welcome by 2002 and I like Willie Randolph. But there will never be another Bobby V.

February 18, 2006
My cousin had gotten me tickets on the third base line the box right by where they used to keep the tarps rolled up. Best seats I've ever had. It was Darryl Strawberry's first game. Bobby Valentine was coaching at third. My friends sitting in the box with me were buttering up Valentine telling him he was the greatest and asking him for an autograph. I was laughing because I knew it could just never work. They kept going and wouldn't let up. About the only thing they didn't compliment Bobby on was his ability to cure leprosy. In the 4th inning Bobby looks over his shoulder and says I can't come over now because I'll get in trouble. The guys kept at it "Bobby we love you" etc. The fifth inning comes around and as the field gets dragged Bobby comes over and quickly signs three autographs. I didn't get one because I was so shocked that it didn't even occur to me to pull out my ticket stub. Never seen or heard of anything like this before or since.

Mike Champion
May 3, 2006
I had the pleasure of meeting and playing on the same field as Bobby. He is one of the greatest memories I have of playing the game. He has always been a hero to me. He loved, and probably still loves, the game more than anyone I have ever known. I can only hope to one time meet up with him again.

Frankie D
July 21, 2006
Let me tell you about a personal experience with Bobby V. My daugter Jamie was about 9 years old and we were heading down to a Cyclones game. I had seen that Bobby would be at a car dealer in Brooklyn and I asked Jamie if she'd like to meet him. Of course she said yes so we went to a bunch of stores to round up baseballs for Bobby to sign.

Bobby was there talking to some of the guys who were working at the car dealer. He spoke to Jamie, signed her Cyclones hat and every single ball that we brought (we got a couple signed for friends of hers) and he even signed cards that he had brought. Bobby graciously allowed us to photograph him with Jamie.

When I got the photo I mailed it to Bobby, requesting that he autograph it and send it back to Jamie. The autograph arrived in the mail in a few short weeks.

I thought that Bobby was the best manager that the Mets ever had. Bobby Valentine is an excellent strategist and a great baseball mind. I am sure that he would have the Mets of 2006 doing even better than Willie Randolph is doing. I am just not a fan of Willie Randolph. I think that he is getting way too much credit for the Mets this year. I am getting a little tired of the "I am a winner" stuff about Willie. For my money, the best Mets manager that I remember well is Bobby Valentine.

October 4, 2006
I was 13 years old in 1968 and our town, Stamford CT, like the rest of America at that time was overwrought with racial tension and violence. During a high school basketball championship game a fight broke out and kids from both sides of the gymnasium piled onto the court and a riot broke out.

Bobby Valentine went right into the middle of it to stop the fighting.

It was one of the most courageous selfless acts I'd ever seen and it inspires me even to this very day.

Like all of us who were taught by Sharkey Laureno and Mickey Lione and the other coaches in Stamford Babe Ruth Baseball, 'before you can be a good baseball player or good doctor or good lawyer or whatever, you must first be a good person'.

When in HS Bobby was playing center and a kid singled up the middle, and Bobby intentionally let it go through his legs to get him to advance; Bobby threw him out at second - one of the best plays I have seen in my life. He could run like the wind. I saw him score 6 touchdowns on 13 carries. Best athlete ever to come out of Stamford and one of the best people.

I am proud to say I know Bobby Valentine, and played on the same field with him. It was one of the best experiences of my life. He made everyone around him a better person. His baseball knowledge is unsurpassed.

I wish him well in his journey through life.

We need more people like Bobby Valentine.

October 18, 2006
We are one hour and eight minutes away from game 6 against the Cardinals in 2006 NLCS as I write this.

Watching this Met team underachieve (and who knows, they might win two at Shea tonight and tomorrow) I have a new-found appreciation for Valentine. He pulled a lot out of a moderately-talented team. I say that as we are on the brink of losing to the 83-win 2006 Cardinals.

May 28, 2007
I once heard someone on ESPN describe Bobby V as a "mad scientist."

I think that's a pretty fair description of the man's managerial style.

November 13, 2008
My second posting about this man. I know I was hard on him at times and when he was fired, it was the right move since a change was needed. I have thought it over and will go as far as saying he is better than Joe Torre. Why? Well, in 2000, he almost did as much as Torre did with the Yanks even though he had so much less. I mean, just compare the starting outfields of the two teams that year. And this is not taking into account what he did with the '97 Mets. Anyone agree?

August 17, 2009
Bobby V no doubt should have remained and finished his career as a Met. No one can match his passion and respect he has for the game.

Joe Giradio
September 30, 2015
Bobby V is a great manager! The people who say he over manages are just jealous. Joe Maddon gets a lot of credit for being a great manager nowadays, but Bobby V beats him any day of the week. ANYONE can win with that 2015 Cub roster.

Bobby V did things with a marginal contender team that only great managers can do. He didn't fit in Boston because a roster of highly-paid veterans is just not gonna take kindly to Bobby V's style.

April 24, 2023
I liked Bobby V - a lot. He knew the game, knew the stats. I seem to recall reading somewhere that veterans like Franco and Cone undermined him in the clubhouse. I miss the guy.

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