Doug Flynn
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Doug Flynn

Doug Flynn
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 55 of 1238 players
Robert Douglas Flynn
Born: April 18, 1951 at Lexington, Ky.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 5.11 Weight: 172

Doug Flynn has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 12 times, most recently on December 11, 2023.

2b ss 3b

First Mets game: June 17, 1977
Last Mets game: October 4, 1981

Share your memories of Doug Flynn


rich n
Doug Flynn, even though he was a terrible hitter, was by far the best fielding 2nd baseman the Mets have ever had.

David Priever
I have been a Met fan since 1967. Somehow my brother got me hooked with them. I would be able to find something good to say about every Met, except Doug Flynn. I remember after a game I was waiting with with fellow Mets fans to see the players as they drove out of the players parking lot. I saw him in his jeep and very innocently asked him something like, "Are we going to be in first place this year?" His answer was a very sarcastic, "Don't ask stupid questions". I don't remember his athletic talent, but I certainly didn't appreciate his professionalism toward a fan.

While Flynn's bat was as limp as a pre-Viagra Bob Dole, he did have 60 RBIs one year and was a good hit- and-run guy.

April 18, 2001
I'm posting this message on Doug Flynn's 50th birthday, if you can believe that. Doug became one of those Major-Level slow-pitch softball players after he retired, with an equipment deal and everything. He hit there pretty well I think.

May 15, 2001
Doug Flynn
Say what you will about Doug Flynn, but there's no denying one fact: He certainly loved his dog.
Flynn played Pro softball prior to Pro Baseball. That's where the Reds scout found him.

I remember in 78 or 79 when the Mets someone came within like 6 or 7 games of first. Flynn gets on Kiner's Korner and says "we're in the pennant race now."

The next series the Phillies come into Shea and sweep the Mets 4 straight, and that was all downhill from there.

November 17, 2001
Doug was my hero growing up...always kind to his fans and always willing to sign an autograph. The Mets were bad in his days, but he always played his hardest...especially in the infield

Jim Resseque
March 18, 2002
Saw him hit an inside the park homer once which a few years ago helped me win a prize on "Mets Extra" for knowing the answer. Howie Rose pronounced my name wrong though. Thanks Howie!

Larry Burns
May 16, 2002
Complete all glove, no stick guy. The hero worship that surrounded this punch and judy hitter was a thorn in my side during the dark days of the late 1970s and early 80s. Everyone said he was the best glove in the NL at the time...who cares! You need your glove at shortstop and a little offensive production to be a decent 2nd baseman. "He did the little things" is the argument of the truly desperate. We needed him to do some bigger things. Besides I guess it is a complete shock to all the Flynn Fans that the Mets turnaround to one of the best teams of the 1980s was after he was traded. So much for all the "intangibles" he gave. Let me finish by naming 2 of the intangibles he gave -- a bat that sucked and a team that matched!

Joe Figliola
August 22, 2002
Ummm... excuse me? Doug Flynn a poor hitter? Perhaps in the 30-something games I scored in 1978 (he something something like .147 in 106 at bats), but not overall according to the stats. I didn't think he looked lost at the plate; he just didn't have any power and I didn't have much luck (scoring him, that is).

Looking at his stolen base totals, I could've sworn he swiped more bags. Wow! Maybe I thought he could run because of all the triples he hit.

Guys like Flynn and John Stearns made it somewhat tolerable to be a Mets fan in the late 1970s and early 1980s. He also had a great sense of humor, loved his dog, sang a little, and won a Gold Glove. Not bad.

Monika Dudley
December 22, 2002
The one and only reason I became a Mets fan in the first place was because of Doug Flynn. He was my favorite player on the Reds and when they traded him to New York for Tom Seaver (who I could never stand), I became a Mets fan. OK, maybe his hitting wasn't his strong point, but he could field that ball like no one's business. I also have to admit that I had a HUGE crush on him. When I played softball, I made sure that I wore #23, and when I play the lottery, to this day I always play #23. If Doug reads this, I want him to know that he was appreciated, very much so.

Mr. Sparkle
December 30, 2002
I liked Flynn because of his glove but boy did he suck with the bat. I liked him because I was young and wanted to think the best of my team. There were players I didn't like but for some reason Doug wasn't one of them. Looking back I realize he was a light hitting 2nd sacker who I wouldn't tolerate playing for the Mets today. I remember a picture of him in the Post, which my father would bring home from work every day for me to read- the afternoon edition, of Doug playing guitar in some country band. That's when I started to think what a loser this guy really was. But, I still don't dislike him.

Bob R.
January 9, 2003
A very good fielder and a very weak hitter. He could have been carried by a team that had a lot of good hitters, but not the Mets of his era. It's unfair but true that he'll always be connected to the infamous Tom Seaver trade.

Steve G.
January 12, 2003
I remember rooting for the Mets during the bad days as well as the good. The thing that reminds me of Doug is his idiosyncracies at the plate, he constantly played with his eyelashes! No wonder he couldn't hit... but that doesn't make him a bad person.

July 5, 2004
Believe it or not, for a brief period in early 1980, he actually led the National League in batting average. It was some obscene number, like .483, caused by the start of the season and very few at-bats. When he came to bat at Shea Stadium, I remember the announcer mentioning that he was the NL hitting leader.

Of course, he spiralled off the page soon after that.

But he was always a great defensive second baseman, and would have been a walking highlight reel if his Mets teams had highlights.

He was on the 1975 Reds, where he replaced Pete Rose in the late innings at third base. Doug Flynn came in the Seaver deal from the Big Red Machine to Shea Stadium, and had to replace Seaver and Felix Millan. No way.

To Doug's little should be proud of him. He made it to the bigs and won a Gold Glove. Good on him and good on you.

Dudley Ellis
June 16, 2005
I have met many players over several decades as a fan, but I have never met a more "class act" among the players than Doug Flynn- a complete gentleman.

jamey bumbalo
November 15, 2005
A couple people referred to Doug Flynn's inside-the-park home run in 1979. I watched that game on TV, and I remember it as a pinch-hit, inside-the-park, grand-slam home run--an incredible combination. Does anyone else recall it the way I do?

Jonathan Stern
December 1, 2005
The name "Doug Flynn" is still invoked whenever my family mentions weak-hitting infielders. But I've seen worse numbers from second sackers. And I have seen few field the position better. In fact, he might have been the best Mets defensive second baseman I have ever seen other than Edgardo Alfonzo in his 1999-2000 prime. He also was an important cog in the 1970's Big Red Machine.

Mikey Boy
December 4, 2005
Kaz Matsui is no Doug Flynn.

If Matsui was half the fielder Doug Flynn was, there would be no need to search for a second baseman. Flynn was a star in the field and I am not exaggerating.

Tom L
January 26, 2006
My dad use to call him 'paper bag', due his lack of faith over Doug's ability to hit his way out of one. Sweet glove though. I think he would have been better received if he was in NY on one of our early 70's, pitching dominant teams. Heck, I remember even thinking Don Hahn was a great player back then, and what was he hitting, .220?

October 6, 2006
If Doug Flynn was playing today, with such "quality" pitching, he'd probably be a .265/.270 hitter; pretty respectable. I do agree that he was a great fielding 2nd baseman!

Jeff i- Minneapolis
June 12, 2008
Ernie wrote:

> I remember in 78 or 79 when the Mets someone came within like 6 or 7 games of first. Flynn gets on Kiner's Korner and says "we're in the pennant race now."

The next series the Phillies come into Shea and sweep the Mets 4 straight, and that was all downhill from there.


Nope, it was a 5-game sweep, I remember it well, totally devastated me as a 12-year-old who didn't know just how bad those Mets were.

Flynn was a great fielder, of course, a pretty decent bunter if I recall and always was up there among the leaders in drawing IBB's (mostly because those Mets had some of the worst-hitting pitching staffs ever).

June 14, 2008
I met my best friend (Meg) at Shea Stadium - over 25 years ago - we were the two Doug Flynn Fans in our group of friends. I had the pleasure of becoming friends with Doug and his wonderful family. He will always be my favorite baseball player. He is a wonderful person with a wonderful heart.

July 27, 2012
Doug is a man with a heart of gold. He did play in a wonderful band called The Greg Austin Band - he also toured with The Oak Ridge Boys - he really cared about his fans. Thank you #23 for the memories you gave to all Met Fans.

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