Bruce Boisclair
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Bruce Boisclair

Bruce Boisclair
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 56 of 1237 players
Bruce Armand Boisclair
Born: December 9, 1952 at Putnam, Conn.
Throws: Left Bats: Left
Height: 6.03 Weight: 195

Bruce Boisclair has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 23 times, most recently on December 20, 2022.

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First Mets game: September 11, 1974
Last Mets game: September 30, 1979

Share your memories of Bruce Boisclair


Johnny & Fred
I remember a game against Pittsburgh in the late 70's. There were men on 1st and 3rd for the Pirates, 1 out, in a tie game in the bottom of the ninth. Dave Parker hit a routine fly, not too deep, to Boisclair in right field. Obviously, the runner on 3rd attempted to tag up and win the game for the Pirates. Boisclair being the genius and all around student of the game that he was known for threw the ball into second base to make sure that the runner on first didn't advance, while the winning run scored. I can't believe this guy isn't enshrined in Cooperstown.

He did win a game once, on a cold day at Shea in April, with a two-out shot off the wall in right center that drove in the tying and winning runs. Thanks Bruce!

My strongest memories are:
  1. He couldn't hit a curve ball to save his life
  2. One of my favorite sports headlines from the N.Y. Post: "Baseballs Boom Off Boisclair's Bat."
I know he played in Japan and then signed a minor league contract with the Blue Jays. Wonder whatever happened to him after that.

Mr. Sparkle
In the late 70's Bruce was as good as it got! Bruce basically had no talent but a lot of hustle. For some strange reason he was one of my favorite Mets of the 70's. I'd love to see a bust of Bruce in the Mets hall of fame outside the Diamond Club some day!

My friend and I were Bruce Boisclair's biggest fans. Every game we would wear a t-shirt that had his name on the front and #4 on the back. Occasionally he would come over and say hello to us. We even made dolls of him! Oh Bruce, where are you now?

Logan Swanson
January 26, 2001
Was Bruce, 'ol pruneface, really a ballplayer, or just a fan who walked on the field?

February 21, 2001
I remember being about 10 or 11, and got to game early to get autographs, and Boisclair was only 1 or 2 players out warming up, and was completly ignoring us. He then turned to us and gave us the finger! Hated him after a young kid, couldn't belive he did that!

David Grover
May 25, 2001
Good ole Bruce. Just thinking of him trotting in from the outfield brings me back to the seventys and a smile to my face.

Jersey Joe
August 3, 2001
My lasting memory of Bruce Boisclair is when my older cousin "read" off of the back of his baseball card: "Bruce enjoys making grilled cheese sandwiches on Thursday nights". I was young ... my older cousin was pretty believable, and I couldn't, for the life of me, think of any better "highlight" for his baseball card.

Keith Gingras
August 12, 2001
i grew up in the same town as Bruce Boisclair did in Brooklyn, Ct. he was a star baseball player at Killingly High School in Danielson,CT. we were all proud of him. that a kid from a small town in ct. made it to the big leagues! way to go Bruce!!

Don Hahn Merlis
August 13, 2001
Bruce was a great bunter....a great bunter. I believe he once had two bunt hits in a game!

Mr. Sparkle
August 14, 2001
Highest single season batting average for pinch hitting for a player with more than 20 pinch hit at bats. 12-21 .571. Awesome!!

November 11, 2001
Not the best player of all time ... but had the most stunningly beautiful wife (a TWA stewardess).

Walt Popailo
December 14, 2001
I remember vaguely while playing the Cubs, Bruce hit a ball that the rightfielder dove for. He got up to get it but couldn't find it. The ball had landed "in" his cap. Fans yelled where it was and he retrieved it. He then proceeded to throw that slow bastard Boisclair out at 3rd.

December 19, 2001
My one lasting memory of Ole' BB: Oldtimers Day, 1979, commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Miracle team. There's Ron Swoboda in his #4 jersey, except it isn't HIS #4 jersey, it's Bruce Boisclair's, with tape over the name. The tape fell off during Rocky's time at bat.

Mr. Sparkle
April 3, 2002
I am flabergasted that this guy is currently ranked 17. I mean I look the guy up all the time for some dumb reason but he's moved up the scale all by himself. Hats off to Bruce. For some reason, everybody remembers and loves this guy. It's amazing!

Larry Burns
May 16, 2002
For my money, one of the greatest Mets ever! He was not blessed with tremendous natural talent, but he certainly optimized the talent he had. Was an awesome pinch hitter, in fact, he is as good if not better than the revered Rusty Staub. Unlike the more talented Strawberry and Gooden he maximized his potential which is admirable in any person. The world needs more Bruces and less Doc and Straws! GO Bruce, you the man!

May 20, 2002
Bruce Boisclair was and still is a GREAT MET! He was my favorite Met back in the 70's. Bruce was one of the few bright spots on the team. He was also one of the few guys you could count on to get a base hit at a time when scoring 3 runs in a game was an offensive explosion for the Mets.

May 23, 2002
What you can say about Bruce? I loved the guy in '70s, I think it was because he was left handed like me (Hey what do you want I was a little kid when he was playing.) He will always be one of my favorite Mets.

Victor Jaffe
June 19, 2002
Bruce was a great pinch hitter. I remember more than one clutch hit late in the game to help the Mets to either a win or a failed comeback. Either way, at least Bruce did his part.

Larry Mondello
July 23, 2002
I thought he was a scrappy player but really had no talent and only did halfway decent because everyone else on that team was so bad. I have about 10 of his baseball cards from 1977.

Max Power
November 18, 2002
As with many other Met fans in their late 30's early 40's, Bruce somehow stands out as one of my favorites from the mid to late 70's. He never had great talent or never really did anything all that special but he had that mystique that many Met fans could somehow relate to among all those losing season. We never liked losing but we were fond of the stories from the early 60's and lived through it during the Boisclair years. Despite his limited abilities, everyone seems to love this guy. In those days, there wasn't much to root for so this goof ball was the perfect guy for us to support. Long live Bruce Boisclair!

Max Power
November 20, 2002
Hans, I think Bruce was either pulling your leg or a little confused, or, his martinis were kicking in real good. I don't think he missed the cycle by a homer in 76. I saw that he had a 4 hit game in Wrigley in 1977 so I looked it up. He missed the cycle by a single in that game so maybe that's what he meant. Either way, Bruce was an exciting player.

Larry Burns
January 28, 2003
Bruce is the essence of being a baseball fan. He played in less than 300 games, yet so many people have such fond memories of him. He was one of my all- time Met "characters" and when I met him at Bobby Valentines and realized how nice a guy he was, he deserves all the applause heaped upon him on this site. Where is he today?

Joe Figliola
January 31, 2003
I remember coming home from a junior high school trip to Liberty Village in New Jersey in April or May of 1976 and flicking on the end of the Mets-Braves game (my friends and I had tried to listen to the game on a transistor radio on the return trip but were unable to get it clearly). They were losing in the ninth, but they had runners on base with two out and Boisclair was up. He swung and barely nicked a ball to stay alive before belting a double in the gap to win the game.

I thought Bruce was pretty good; he had speed and bunted a lot. I think lack of playing time his final two years (along with a shoulder separation in '79) hurt his consistency.

February 5, 2003
I also remember Bruce's very high pinch-hitting average, but the thing that really comes back to me is when he'd play in road games in Montreal. Instead of the Americanized pronunciation "Bo-clair", the PA announcer used to give his surname the full French treatment for the Quebec crowd: "Bruce BWAH- CLAAAIIRRR!"

June 1, 2003
Voted "Met Most Likely To Wind Up A Bartender". Had the longest face in the National League East. He along with Elliot Maddox, Mike Vail, Dale Murray and Gil Flores were the core of those awful last-place Mets teams of the late 70s/early 80s.

October 28, 2003
I remember a picture of him and Mazzilli in a Met Yearbook under the caption "Young Stallions in Met Pasture." Some stallions.

March 17, 2004
I met Bruce in St. Petersburg Fla. back in either '72 or '73 when the Mets were there for spring training. I worked for a landscaping company with his best friend Barry who, if I remember correctly, was from the same town in Connecticut and had graduated with Bruce. I think they were rooming together at that time. Barry and I became good buddies and consequently I became good friends with Bruce, also. We'd do the club scene together at times, and I remember one time the three of us went to a Grand Funk Railroad concert in St. Pete. Bruce was always a real nice guy! Never hassled anybody about anything that I remember. It's nice to read that he remained a nice guy later on also. Would love to hear from Barry and Bruce. Great times back then!

Scott D. Peters
April 10, 2004
Bruce's first year with the Mets was, ironically, my first year of Little League. Ever since then, I have worn Bruce's number 4 in every form of baseball I tried to participate in. Whenever anyone would ask why #4, I always said, "because that was Bruce Bosclair's number." Hey, I was 2 during the Miracle. I was 6 when you hadda believe. And I grew up with one the late 70s version of the 62 Mets. You picked your heroes where as you found them, and for me it was Bruce Boisclar. I think he's always stuck with me as my second favorite Met (all bow before Ed Kranepool) because Bruce was a lot like me as a ball player- not that good, but a real gamer who tried really hard.

June 19, 2004
What Bruce Boisclair lacked in talent, he made up in unintended hilarity.

June 28, 2004
At a game I attended in '74 or so, Bruce Bosclair struck out swinging.

Some guy a few rows away yelled "Hey Bruce - hit it with your hair dryer!"

My best friend and I still throw that line out from time to time.

Bob Sagget
July 13, 2004
Bruce was a very popular player during some very bad times. He hustled and did his best with limited ability. Still, he is one of my favorite players during my formative years in the 70's. Way to go Bruce!

Peter Pallag
September 11, 2005
Why is Bruce Boisclair so popular? My BB story took place on September 22nd, 1979. BB had gone over a year without an RBI, and I couldn't believe he was still playing, batting .176. There was a hockey player at my college, Gerry Beauclair, and we all called him "Bozo", so I called BB "Bozo" as well. Anyway, I'm at Shea for the second game of the doubleheader against the Cardinals, and every time BB comes up, I'm chanting "Let's Go Bozo!", and the first three times up, nothing. In the 7th, down 3-1 to the Cards, BB comes up with one out, Kelvin Chapman on third and pinch runner Sergio Ferrer on second. I realize he can get an RBI just with a fly ball, and I'm screaming "Let's Go Bozo!" over and over. I'm in the first row of mezzanine boxes behind home, so everyone can hear me. Incredibly, the remnants of the 8000+ crowd join in. Then BB hits a long fly ball to center fielder Jerry Mumphrey! Both runners tag and advance! Bruce Boisclair gets his first RBI of 1979! The Mets still lost the game, 3-2, but hey, it was fun.

Tom L
November 23, 2005
His current listing as the 32nd most popular look-up far exceeds anything he did on the field. He must have a lot of family and friends visit this site.

May 31, 2006
Yes, the late 70s were hard times for us Met fans. This guy typifies it. These comments brought me back, they are so funny.

But the best thing about those years, you could decide at the last minute to go to a game, drive right up with great parking, score great seats and bring an entire cooler of lemonade with vodka right in. No one cared, they were just happy you showed up.

We had some very funny times at those games.

June 9, 2006
I can remember Bob Murphy while he was still doing tv back then. Murph used to say "Boisclair is there" when he caught a fly ball in right field. Also remember Bruce did not have any stride in his swing. Maybe if he did he would have played longer in the bigs.

Sergio Leon
July 12, 2006
A big guy who hit for average but lack power. The reason for such a short career.

September 16, 2007
Back in the 70's Bruce was my absolute favorite. I was really annoyed when he got benched because Mazz joined the team. (Not a big fan of his at all!) I sent a letter to Torre with a petition signed by over 300 fans who all wanted Bruce back in the line-up. It was quite a hit in the locker room and Marty Noble wrote an article in the Bergen Record about my letter. That resulted in a friendship with Bruce. He was a great guy and I have great memories of those days. Wish I knew where he was now; I have an album of newspaper clippings and photos that I'm sure he would enjoy. I'd love to send them to him!

Met Mom
April 1, 2008
I had a boyfriend back in 1976 who worked as a vendor at Shea. I don't know how, but he got the Bruce's bat for me (I was 16 and LOVED Bruce). I still have it to this day! I always crushed on the non-hero Mets... Wayne Garrett, Bruce, Ron Hodges.

May 9, 2008
I used to get Met tickets behind the dugout when Bruce was on the team (not hard to get in those days). I was in my late teens in those days and I used to always yell at him, "Hey, Eclair." He challenged me to go on the field with him and fight him, although I don't think he was serious. I constantly teased him whenever I came back and he eventually became a good sport about it. When he would see me later on he was say, "Hey, my friend is here."

Edgy DC
January 9, 2009
I can't find any reference to the game described in the first post on this page. I wasn't able to find any Met-Pirate games ended by a Dave Parker sacrifice fly.

Bob P
June 18, 2009

Bruce hit six triples in the major leagues. His final triple came in the Mets home opener on Tuesday, April 10, 1979 against the Expos. The game was tied 2-2 in the bottom of the ninth. I assume this is what you were referring to..I will plug in the narration from

METS 9TH: SOSA REPLACED HUTTON (PITCHING); Flynn was called out on strikes; BOISCLAIR BATTED FOR SWAN; Boisclair tripled to right; Mazzilli was walked intentionally; Boisclair was caught stealing home (catcher to third) [Mazzilli to second]; Chapman grounded out (shortstop to first); 0 R, 1 H, 0 E, 1 LOB. Expos 2, Mets 2.

The Expos won the game, 3-2 in fourteen innings.

March 31, 2010
Although he didn't played a ton of games for the Metsies, as a teen I appreciated his hustle, regardless of the outcome. Bruce, If you're reading this, I pray you are doing fine or you're happy with your life. You didn't play much, but you were one of my favorite Mets! That's the truth.

Nancy S.
December 2, 2011
There are very few baseball players I remember adoring as a kid, but I had a special fondness for Bruccie, as I nicknamed him. I would love to find his baseball card. I found one of Tug McGraw when he was with the Mets and now I just need my Bruccie. I don't know why but he has stayed with me for 30+ years. I have always wondered what's he doing today? Thanks for always bringing a smile to my face! Nancy in NJ

Adrian Boisclair
January 27, 2021
I am far too young to remember anything from the 70’s. Is it from all of the partying I did? Actually I was born in the early 80’s, but when I was a teenager every now-and-then when introducing myself, usually to an adult or someone a little older, would respond to me with an “Oh, like baseball player?” I’d respond with a smile and shrug, which they are always happy to say his name, “Bruce Boisclair, from the Mets”.

Now I’m starting to wonder if we are related. I noticed he was born in Connecticut. And guess what? I was also born in Connecticut, and most of my family lived in Connecticut until the 90s, when they kind of moved around the east coast. I spent most of my life in California and there aren’t very many individuals with the Boisclair name out here (based on my research there are less than 800 in the US).

Bruce— sounds like you were a good guy. People cheered you on through the good and the bad alike, and that says a lot.

I have three unopened boxes of baseball cards from the 70s and 80s... makes me want to open them up and see if Bruce is in there!

Cheers, fam!

Matt D
May 20, 2024
I went with my Dad the night Jerry Koosman won his 20th game on September 16, 1976. Bruce Boisclair came up late in the game as a pinch hitter and hit a line drive home run over the auxiliary scoreboard in the right field corner. He always seemed like a good guy. I hope he is doing well today.

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