Don Hahn
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Don Hahn

Don Hahn
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 61 of 1238 players
Donald Antone Hahn
Born: November 16, 1948 at San Francisco, Cal.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.01 Weight: 185

Don Hahn was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on November 16, 2007, November 16, 2009, January 25, 2011, July 17, 2012, January 15, 2014, January 31, 2021, January 1, 2022, and June 25, 2022.


First Mets game: April 11, 1971
Last Mets game: October 2, 1974

Share your memories of Don Hahn


March 17, 2001
Pretty good centerfielder. Would have caught the balls that Mays didn't get to in the 73 World Series.

Eric Kaplan
April 29, 2001
I always hated Hahn because he was the guy the Mets traded Ron Swoboda for. Swoboda will always be remembered as a Met hero, long after people will forget that Don Hahn ever existed........

Barry Wenig
July 13, 2001
Always wondered how he feels about the Disney director/producer with the same name. In any case, Don was the first Met I remember to wear number 25, and for my money, every Met to wear number 25 since (be it Willie Montanez or Danny Heep or....) has been great!

Dave Olson
June 20, 2002
I grew up playing ball (baseball, basketball and football) with Don when we all lived in the westside of the Santa Clara Valley. The Hahn family had four sons, three of which (as I understand it) ended up playing major league baseball (well, at least professional baseball). When Don attended Campbell High school he was pretty much a local "hood," but when it came time to put it on the field Don could always be counted on. Don graduated from Campbell High in 1966 (and along with Campbell High's Craig Morton of the Dallas Cowboys and Denver Broncos) attained status as a professional athlete. I have often what Don has done with himself after "the pros" were done with him.

Rich Weksberg
June 26, 2002
After Swoboda was traded for Don, I became a big Don Hahn fan. I remember him as an above average centerfielder who got the big triple in the World Series against the A's when they went up 3 games to 2. I still have an autographed Don Hahn photo which ranks fourth on my sports autograph list after Mantle, Namath and Chamberlain!

December 24, 2002
Funny that Hahn and Montanez wore 25 as Mets, because Willie Montanez is the guy who missed Hahn's popup in Philly, resulting in an inside the park HR. The Astroturf was very new in Philadelphia, and the players hadn't learned to play the high hops yet. (May have been 1971.) Montanez was only a part time outfielder and he got too close to the ball, letting it bounce over his head.

Mr. Sparkle
January 3, 2003
Talk about your light hitting outfielders. Don was pretty lame with the bat. He was a good fielder but couldn't hit. Too bad he didn't play shortstop.

I was at the game when he collided with the Stork. I remember him getting up after the collision, picking up the ball and then throwing it with his left hand. It went about 10 feet. At least that's how I remember it. It was a nasty collsion and he was luckier than Theodore on that one. Gotta give him credit for attempting to throw the ball in. I didn't dislike Hahn but he wasn't what you want in centerfield.

July 2, 2003
I grew up loving the Mets in the early 70's. Just thought I'd take a trip down memory lane and see if any lasting mention existed of certain games I saw when I was a kid. Thank you, Lisa. I thought I was the only one in the world who remembered The Stork (George Theodore) and Don Hahn colliding in the outfield. It was on T.V. and, I swear...I remember it like it happened an hour ago. For you trivia was Ralph Garr of the Atlanta Braves who hit the ball, and he ended up with an inside-the-park homer on the play. Memories.....

Joe Figliola
July 3, 2003
It's interesting that some of you referred to Don Hahn as a strong defensive player. I don't recall it. I thought he was average in center field. He didn't embarrass himself, but he wasn't Mookie Wilson or Tommie Agee. And I do have to say it was rather eventful when he turned on the power at the plate.

Although I did not see the collision on TV (I also was 10 at the time), I did see the photos of it and thought it was horrific. I'm surprised both he and Stork Theodore LIVED. Actually, I never even saw it on film of any kind. I think that, at age 40, I'm strong enough to see it now (that is, if I can find it).

Bob P
July 6, 2003
Joe, good point. I'm a "few" years older than you (I was 19 in 1973) and I recall always hearing from the Mets' broadcasters at the time that Hahn was an outstanding defensive outfielder. I just looked up his stats and over the course of his career he was slightly below average in range factor, but the two years he was a semi-regular on the Mets ('73 and '74) his range factor was about 5-8% better than the league average.

So, mixed numbers, and we fail to reach a consensus! What likely happened is that the Mets tried to sell him as a great defensive outfielder because he was such a poor hitter. His batting average was .236 vs. a league average of .261; his OBP was 12 points below the average, and his slugging percentage was a paltry .303 vs. the league average of .384.

Bob P
October 10, 2003
Nishna, That game took place on Monday night, August 27, 1973 at Shea. Actually, there were 14,789 other fans there plus you!

Hahn was batting seventh in the lineup that night. He had singles in the second, fourth, fifth, and seventh innings. The hit in the fourth inning drove in a run. Hahn finished the season with 60 hits.

Jonathan Stern
February 24, 2006
One of the greatest things about the Fall Classic is how larger-than-life any player can look by performing significantly in one. I remember, years ago, seeing the offical MLB film of the 1973 Series and thinking Hahn was some kind of star... then looking him up in the Baseball Encyclopedia and being shocked by how meager his overall career was.

Don Engbers
June 25, 2008
I knew Don when we were both in the Giants organization. He was only 18 when I first meet him and I was very impressed with his defensive skills and I remember him being a really nice young man.

don kinzel
February 25, 2012
When I moved from southern CA to northern CA as a freshman in high school, I moved in across the street from the Hahn family. Mr. and Mrs. Hahn became like parents to me and Don and I became fast friends, playing football and baseball together from Pony League on. Don has 3 brothers...Tom is Don's younger twin by 10 minutes, and then another set of twins, George and Gordy came later. A sister Nancy came between Don and Tom and George and Gordy. I always felt sorry for Nancy because she mostly kept to her room because there was always a bunch of high school morons (us) hanging around. Mr. Hahn coached us during summers and we had some pretty good teams. Don was a superb athlete in all sports mainly because he was mentally tough and didn't take crap from anyone. Before he hooked up with Montreal, he told me he faced Drysdale in spring training and hit him pretty Don went from the California League to the big leagues in one summer.

We had great coaching at Campbell High school...John Oldham and Gordon Huntze, and went undefeated in a good league in my senior year, Don's junior year.

When I can, I stop by Mr. and Mrs. Hahn's home in Campbell, CA. However, most times no one is home as everyone has gone hunting or fishing. Looking back, I have to say the best thing that ever happened to me was moving to northern CA and winding up across the street from the Hahns.

Don was just a regular guy who made it to the big leagues by working hard and believing in himself. So, to you haters, give Don some credit for wearing a big league uniform...he earned it.

Jim Brewer
January 4, 2013
I was 10+ years old when the Mets played in the '73 series. Don had 7 hits in that series and made some great/not-so-great plays in the field. To his credit, the sun was bad in Oakland. My family want on a trip to Florida the following spring of '74 and we stayed with Don in a triplex on the beach with his kids/family. It was priceless as a youngster. I played catch with him on the beach, he signed multiple autographs, etc. It was the highlight of my youth. Nice guy.

September 6, 2013
Lisa, Skip and Joe, I was 14 in 1973 and was watching the game with the Braves and saw that collision. I thought I just saw somebody die on the field. I am glad that nobody died but that was a very scary collision to see.

Phil W.
February 24, 2014
I hit a home run off of Don Hahn in my only year of Pony League baseball in 1963. He was the starting pitcher and it was my first at bat of the season. I hit it to right field past Don's twin brother Tom Hahn. Don wasn't too happy nor was his father who was the coach of his team. It was the only hit I got all season!

November 28, 2014
I remember Don Hahn being billed as the second coming of Willie Mays by M. Donald Grant and company. Perhaps he was, he did take the reins from a 40+ Mays.

Jim Snedeker
November 28, 2014
I'm surprised no one's mentioned his great World Series catch. I don't remember which game it was, but he leapt at the wall to nab the ball in a critical situation. No joke--the broadcasters referred to it as "one of the great World Series catches of all time."

Jim Snedeker
November 28, 2014
As I recall, my yearbook has that picture with a slightly different pose-- Hondo is actually looking up at his glove with the ball securely tucked inside. Man! How did the photographer get so close?!

GLENN from New York
January 24, 2020
I was just learning about baseball in the early 1970s. Don Hahn and Willie Mays sharing center field. Solid player! I was a center field guy, then followed Youngblood and Mazzilli of course.

Raymond Malcuit Jr.
April 24, 2020
Don Hahn was one of the unsung players on the 1973 Mets.

Ray fulgoni
January 15, 2024
I knew Don in high school. Hwas a great kid and a very good baseball player. Like Don, anyone would love to put on a major league uniform. Don Hahn did. Congratulations. I hope he is doing well.

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