Jose Lima
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Jose Lima

Jose Lima
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 647 of 1236 players
Jose Desiderio Rodriguez Lima
Born: September 30, 1972 at Santiago, Dominican Republic
Died: May 23, 2010 at Pasadena, Cal.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.02 Weight: 170

Jose Lima was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on May 23, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 25, 2010, June 9, 2011, December 18, 2016, and March 8, 2017.


First Mets game: May 7, 2006
Last Mets game: July 7, 2006

Share your memories of Jose Lima


Joe Figliola
May 10, 2006
Yes, Lima didn't have it in the 7 May loss to the Braves. But it doesn't exactly help matters when you have an umpire (Angel aka "Devil" Hernandez) telling him he's not getting four-five inches more on called strikes the way John Smoltz does.

May 12, 2006
I don't understand whyt hey are bothering with him at all. Another example of the Mets organization thinking they can catch lightning in a bottle and squeeze some value out of an old dried up case. Lima is not the Lima of 1998, or 2004 for that matter. Maybe he'll prove me wrong like Jorge Julio has and if he does I'll gladly post an apology, but I doubt it. Why the Mets just don't bring up a young kid instead of Lima just boggles my mind-oh and did you not think I was going to mention that hair? He Looked like Bozo and pitched like him too.

Phil Thiegou
May 19, 2006
I think it's safe to say the hands on the Lima Time clock have fallen off. Maybe Lima Time is up.

Larry Burns
May 24, 2006
Share my memories? This guy is scarier than the Friday the 13th series! A shining example why a man should spend more time developing a marketable job skill than on his haircare. He cannot get anyone out. With the injuries depleting the starters, he was given a chance---he allowed all the teams that he faced to feast on a steady diet of hittable pitches. He has an 0-3 record and an ERA over 8. Thank goodness he was shipped out or he might have given Anthony Young a shot at his record.

Brian M
June 28, 2006
"Is it Lima Time yet?" That's what I always thought to myself when Lima pitched those 3 games. His pitching was about as bad as his hair and he managed to hand us 3 losses (right?) At one time, Lima Time was legit, now it's just a running joke.

We should have kept Benson!!

July 7, 2006
This second posting comes literally 20 minutes after my first hopeful post. The line for Lima tonight (7/7/06): 3 innings, 2 walks, 7 runs, 5 earned (including serving up a grand slam to Dontrelle Willis). Sigh...

July 7, 2006
At this point in Lima's career, he is the poster boy for what is no-so-affectionately known as a "4A Player"--probably a little too experienced and good for AAA and not quite good enough for the majors. Perhaps he will prove me wrong this time around, as I heard that he has been receiving counseling from the Mets braintrust on how to keep his cool and not let perceived bad calls ruin his mindset.

October 6, 2006



I can't stand this guy -- does anyone remember him hitting Jay Payton in the head in May, 2001, when he was with Houston? He's a talentless, gutless, head- hunting head case.

However, he's hispanic, so Omar punched his ticket. Uggghhh. Glad I never paid to see him start at Shea.

November 15, 2010
A shame he passed away so young. He was a truly outgoing guy who seemed to connect with the common fan. I remember one time looking on the fan forum of a Dominican winter-league team to find out what was happening with another player, and I saw that Lima was posting. He wrote "Si, soy yo, Lima!" and I do believe it was him.

I had not realized until I looked that after his dreadful stint with the Mets ended his big-league career, he still hung on in Mexico (13-4 in 2007) and Camden of the Atlantic League in 2008.

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