Jose Valentin
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Jose Valentin

Jose Valentin
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 192 of 1238 players
Jose Antonio Rosario Valentin
Born: October 12, 1969 at Manati, P.R.
Throws: Right Bats: Both
Height: 5.10 Weight: 195

Jose Valentin was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on September 23, 2017, and July 4, 2019.

2b of 1b 3b

First Mets game: April 3, 2006
Last Mets game: July 20, 2007

Share your memories of Jose Valentin


Joe Figliola
April 5, 2006
This jabroni could replace Steve Trachsel as my Mets "whipping boy." Judging from his recent career, the Mets' latest Valentin is sliding down as quickly as grease from a George Foreman grill. My optimistic side would like to see him do something productive, but my pessimistic side consumes me.

Joe Figliola
June 20, 2006
Y'know, I have to do an about-face about Valentin. He seems to be better suited as a regular player than as a part-timer. I'm glad I'm eating a little crow on this one and that things are working out for him this year. Besides, he's something like 11/28 in the 13 games I already scored him in this year.

Mr. Sparkle
June 28, 2006
When the Mets signed him I thought he was gonig to be a good veteran player off the bench. I knew he had a bad year last year but I also know he was injured. Still at 36 it was a risk, but one I felt was worth it. Then, in April he did nothing and I figured maybe we should cut bait. Then, he gets a few hits, takes away the job from Matsui and becomes a big part of their offense with a bunch of big hits and some pretty decent defense. That's the kind of luck signing that make championships. No that he is a lead player, we have 4 or 5 other everyday players that do that, but he is a good role player who will get a clutch hit from time to time. He should get some rest in August and September though because I could see him losing steam late. Keep up the good work Jose.

July 11, 2006
He sure has been an unexspected big plus to the team this year. Neither to jinx or forbode; but, has anyone looked at his birthdate?

Mr. Sparkle
July 21, 2006
How good is this guy? I just saw him hit his second granny of the season. He has been huge. He's done more in 3 months than Matsui did in 3 years. I don't want to jinx him, but I love this guy. I don't need another second baseman this year. Let's keep him. Give him some rest in August and September and he'll be great in October. No jinx!

armando looper
November 1, 2006
If he is back next year, it has to be a bench role. He looked like an old man in the playoffs, and even if he didn't I would say that more of this year's success ain't happenin again. Good team guy, provided nice memories, so let's bring Ronnie (Mini Manny) Belliard over and enjoy his ridiculous style and attitude.

Murali Janaki
July 22, 2012
One of my favorite Mets. I remember in the beginning of 2006 he started the season as a full-time pinch-hitter. The broadcasters said he was supposed to be "a left-handed power threat off the bench."

But poor Valentin, he went 0-15 and was the butt of many jokes. Still, I had a feeling that he would come around, and he did. The turning point came during a game in Milwaukee when he hit a HR, his first of the season. After that, he was a stud, taking over second base.

Jose has long since retired. He never got a championship ring at all, which makes the 2006 Mets' failure more stinging.

August 24, 2013
Valentin had a Ray Knight-like renaissance in 2006 that helped propel the Mets to the playoffs but never did anything of note after that. But for that one season, he was indispensable.

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