Grant Roberts
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Grant Roberts

Grant Roberts
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 409 of 1238 players
Grant William Roberts
Born: September 13, 1977 at El Cajon, Cal.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.03 Weight: 200

Grant Roberts was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on April 22, 2005, December 5, 2010, December 6, 2010, and September 13, 2011.


First Mets game: July 27, 2000
Last Mets game: April 18, 2004

Share your memories of Grant Roberts


Won Doney
January 12, 2001
He was awful when he made that start against Montreal (even though we won that game). (Wasn't it the 1st game of a doubleheader?) Anyways, he was pretty good in his 3 other appearances. I don't remember him giving up a run, but if he did, he only gave up one or two.

Is he the guy who has #36 or is that Mann or Riggan? Who ever that is should give it up. That number should be retired (Kooz). Hopefully, it was Mann, who isn't in the Mets organization anymore.

March 17, 2001
Starting to feel like David West and Bill Pulsipher all over again. All hype, no substance.

June 29, 2001
Well since then he has had an ERA of about 1. I remember his last game pitched in 2000, the last day of the Regular Season and he shut out the Expos for like 4 1/3 innings in Relief after getting bombed in his First start!

Mr. Sparkle
June 29, 2001
I was there for his forgetable major league debut. It was pathetic. Good game though as the Mets came from way back to win the game. Grant is in a long line of Mets highly touted pitching prospects that never panned out. It's too early to call him a bust but I really don't expect too much. Does anyone know the last solid pitcher that came through the Mets system? Generation K ended up sucking, Dotel hasn't done squat in Houston, every pitcher on the Mets current staff has come from another organization. AJ Burnett is probably the best they've drafted in years and he's on the Marlins. The Mets have a history of good pitching but who was the last guy to come through their system to make a difference for them? Bobby Jones?

December 31, 2001
Grant is a great pitcher and a truly wonderful person. I hope the team does the right thing this year and let's him have his shot at 10 starts... after that if he hasn't proven himself put him back in the pen. This guy is good. Congrats on what the past four seasons has given you. ALU

Larry Burns
September 24, 2002
Is there anyone on this team who will make me not want to hide the fact that I am a Met fan? First we got "Captain Toke" Tony Tarasco giving pitchers ganga so powerful it causes seizures, now I have Grant Roberts on the the sports section of Newsday with his mouth shoved into a bong! Jesus how dumb do we get? If you are gonna smoke (and I am sure plenty of major leaguers do) don't have your photo taken when you are dragging off a pipe! Bobby Valentine states that he has seen signs but nothing definitive----ask this Rhodes Scholar if the photo of Roberts is definitive enough to do SOMETHING. This season has been a nightmare and seems to be getting no better----2003 has got to be better than this or else I am gonna go root for the NY Liberty!

Feat Fan
October 4, 2002
Smoke 'em if you got 'em! Who among us 40+ native Brooklynites hasn't struck a blow for freedom! That picture was snapped in December, he's off duty as far as I'm concerned. However, as a recovering alchoholic, I am concerned that baseball has diminished into a sea of overpaid, out of touch and greedy men who probably (for the most part) couldn't hold down a full-time job or deal with a 25k salary as many of us out there have to!

November 12, 2002
I have been a Mets fan for quite a while, and have been fortunate enough to be able to meet and become friends with several members of the team and staff. I have to say that Grant is one of my favorite people in the whole world. He is bright, he is funny, and he is a truly gifted pitcher. Despite his past, I really feel that he is a wonderful guy and that his career is going places. I cant say enough about this sweet guy. Chin up, babe.. its all good.

Mr. Sparkle
May 22, 2004
I am shocked he is gone. How do you go from front runner for the 5th starter in spring training to outright released in 2 months? I thought he had closer potential and now he's history without a good explaination. I hear he may have another injury but the Mets couldn't designate him for assignment if that is the case. So what's the deal? More bongs on Broadway?

Jonathan Stern
May 18, 2005
It was announced recently that Grant was among the nine MLB players who failed the steroids test in spring training. He is out of baseball now, and should he be able to resign with another team, he will be coming in with a significant suspension.

One of the challenges of being a major leaguer is staying out of trouble. Between the bong business, the uneven pitching performances with the Mets, and now this, it's clear that Roberts did not make it over the line through which all major leaguers must pass if they want to enjoy successful careers. I'm not sure how sad a story Grant's really is, but he has more than a bit of my sympathy all the same.

May 23, 2008
I know Grant "Goosey" and he is one of my best friends. If you guys really knew what went on behind the closed doors you would really feel sorry for these guys. I know that they make great money but the teams treat them like they are just a piece of meat. there was times when Grant was so doped up with the pain meds that the doctors had given him -- manager's orders -- that he was killing his liver. I think that he should write a book to tell exactly what he went through with the Mets, from laying on the table about to have surgery on his shoulder and the Mets calling off the surgery even after he was doped up and then shipped his ass off and made him pitch two days later despite three doctors saying he needed surgery. This is happening to a lot of the guys in the MLB!

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