Allen Watson
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Allen Watson

Allen Watson
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 422 of 1236 players
Allen Kenneth Watson
Born: November 18, 1970 at Jamaica, N.Y.
Throws: Left Bats: Left
Height: 6.01 Weight: 212

Allen Watson was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on December 20, 2007, December 21, 2007, April 4, 2011, April 5, 2011, and September 21, 2020.


First Mets game: April 6, 1999
Last Mets game: June 14, 1999

Share your memories of Allen Watson


Dave A
December 15, 2000
Allen Watson had his best years at Christ the King. Not a bad basketball player either...

Mr. Sparkle
November 13, 2001
Here's another good example of a guy getting a major league job just because he is a lefty. This guy had no talent, why else would so many teams give up on the lefty after seeing him pitch. He had two wins as a Met but then again so did Mel Rojas, sometimes you luck into a win. Plus, if he grew up in Queens and hated the Mets he is truly evil.

Mr. Sparkle
November 3, 2002
I received an angry e-mail from, who I didn't realize at first was, Allen watson's cousin. He told me I didn't know what I was talking about (only around because he's a lefty) because Watson was 4-0 with the other NY team, his favorite team. He was also upset about how I ripped Watson. I reminded him that not actually knowing the player personally, you really can't take any of this too seriously and that professional players should have a thick skin. reading everyone else's comments, I'm not alone in not liking this guy. And the fact that he belly-ached about being a Met could hardly endear him to the fans. So, nothing personal, but he's an all time anti-Met.

Also, when you look at his career stats, he pitched in 892 career innings and gave up an eye popping 979 hits. That is atrocious! His career ERA is 5.04 and his best ERA for any one year other than than 34 innings he pitched for HIS team, was 4.61. I was told that he had talent because he was the 21st pick in the nation. That made me believe that he was even more of a bust than I had originally thought since usually a first rounder contributes more to a career than 51-55 record. His walk/hits per inning ratio is 1.49. That's comparable to Dave Mlicki. Need I say more?

November 11, 2002
Allen Watson ruined my birthday. My husband and aunt got us tickets for the April 18, 1999 game (the actual day of my birthday), where Watson blew it. He sucked. If I remember correctly the game was a blow-out and Mike Piazza wasn't playing due to an injury. Watson pitched awful, then So if Allen's cousin would care to email me with any nasty comments I say bring it on, I was a first hand witness to his suckiness that day, and I'll tell him where it was at with no holds barred.

Larry Burns
November 19, 2002
Allan Watson has family that brags about him. They must be really proud of their third cousin who can pee and not hit the seat. This guy was awful. He was a hittable lefty who was a complete waste of space on the team bus. I know he was 4-0 on the Yankees--- everyone on that team posted a winning record, but he has not been too impressive lately. Shari I was at the same game and you are completely correct he was a waste of talent and worse he completely packed it in.

Max Power
November 25, 2002
Pablo, stats don't lie. His career ERA is over 5.00. He may have had his moments but over the course of his career his one redeeming value is that he pitches from the south side. I'd rather have Anthony Young, that's right Anthony Young, on my team than Allen Watson. At least AY had a good attitude!

Marvin Monroe
December 4, 2002
This guy might have been the biggest stiff in the history of the Mets. He has lasted this long in the major leagues simply because he has a left arm that can throw a baseball above 60 mph. He was guaranteed to allow any team he pitched against to get back in the game or extend their lead. I cannot even be objective when I hear his name---my blodd pressure rises and I want to smack him---he was that terrible.

December 4, 2002
Pablo I think you take Frank Grimes, Mr. Sparkle and myself a bit too literally. It's nothing to us that he stunk up Shea, we were just metaphorically demonstrating how much it sucks when you go to a game, and you see a lame- ass pitcher like Watson. I didn't think he deliberately set out to pitch bad and screw up my birthday if that's what you're getting at. He just can't help pitching bad because he sucks.

Gregory Gewirtz
April 5, 2003
He was a marginal swing man for the 1999 Mets, but his early-season trade to the Mariners, and subsequent release by the Mariners, baffles me to this day.

Who was the pitcher when Mike Kinkade caught his one Mets inning? Allen Watson.

Barry Duffman
May 5, 2003
I remember Watson was supposed to be a great pitcher when he came out of college. He was a first round pick but he never lived up to his potential. He did start a few games but was more of a long man and didn't do anything to help the Mets. Overall he was a major disapointment.

November 11, 2003
Carl-at least I wasn't the only Met fan that had to suffer on their birthday...Watson's last year was the 2000 season which I believe he finished with the Yankees. Now hopefully he's cleaning up crap after the Elephants in the circus where he belongs.

Steve Perry
December 6, 2003
I do not understand all the vitriol leveled at this guy. He was a servicable pitcher for both New York Teams and a really nice guy. I think the Metropolitans could have utilized a talent like his this past year. Besides I was at a game in 1999 against the Padres when the Mets were behind and he was brought in. He held the Pods scoreless for 2 innings and the Mets made an inprobable comeback----I will always love this guy.

Barney Beaugareaux
December 11, 2003
Steve, I agree the amount of hate for Watson is a bit much for such a nothing pitcher, it's not like he is to the Mets what Journey was to rock and roll. Allen was a blip on the screen of Mets history like Josias Manzanillo an Lee Gutterman. I don't think he was very good, but neither was Toby Borland or Ricardo Jordan and no one hates them as much.

Bob Sagget
July 13, 2004
The Mets made his signing sound like the second coming of Tom Seaver. instead, he couldn't stick in the starting rotation and was gone in less than a year. A total flop, like so many other long relievers they have had.

March 8, 2005
Nobody listed this guys hitting ability. As a pitcher he was one of the best hitters around! Mets should have made him an outfielder. I remember when he broke in with the Cardinals. I thought he was going to be a good one. Guess Not!

March 25, 2005
I met Allen Watson in 1995 in Nashville, TN. He was playing for the Louisville Redbirds. Where is he now? Is he still playing baseball? He was a very nice guy. We lost touch after a couple of years.

Jay B
March 5, 2006
I know Allen personally and not only is he a great guy but he was a good pitcher for many years. People forget he won his first 6 career starts with the Cardinals. All you Met fans just don't get it.

March 19, 2006
We get it Jay-but he stunk on ice during his tenure with the Mets, and that is the plain truth. New York is a what have you done for me lately type of place when it comes to baseball and sports in general-and Watson was a bust for the Mets-he gave up 6 runs in a game I went to on my birthday April 18, 1999. I should have stayed home and watched Wayne Gretzky's retirement that day instead.

October 27, 2007
I used to cringe whenever this bum came in the game. It was like throwing gasoline on the fire. Even in APBA I refused to use him. He is a guy who blames everyone but himself for his failures and the fact that he was simply a horrible pitcher never crossed his mind.

Mr. Sparkle
December 29, 2007
Now he has been accused of steroid use. What a shock. He's one of those guys that took steroids just to hang on.

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