Armando Reynoso
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Armando Reynoso

Armando Reynoso
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 403 of 1236 players
Armando Martin Gutierrez Reynoso
Born: May 1, 1966 at San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.00 Weight: 204

Armando Reynoso was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on May 1, 2008, December 29, 2012, November 5, 2015, June 17, 2018, December 7, 2021, and January 10, 2022.


First Mets game: April 15, 1997
Last Mets game: September 27, 1998

Share your memories of Armando Reynoso


The George Stone of his time (1998). Both were former Braves, both wore No. 40, both came out of nowhere midseason to propel the team toward the playoffs... Only Reynoso pitched 1 game too many.

Mr. Sparkle
January 8, 2001
He was pretty good. I coulld never understand why the Mets chose not to re-sign him.

Coach HoJo 20
April 25, 2001
This guy was great. Kinda lost a step after the Yankees injured him during game 2 of the Subway Series.

Why didn't we sign this guy? He would have been great in Steve TRASHsel's spot. Another one of those Mets front office mistakes that we see too often.

March 6, 2002
We was good when healthy. He was just ALWAYS hurt. And then when he was healthy Bobby V chose to send him to the hill the last day of the season in 98 and he was awful that day. That was one of the most depressing days of my life, because both the Giants and Cubs lost.

Gregory Gewirtz
January 25, 2003
He pitched two memorable season debuts with the Mets, as each season he started on the DL due to injury.

He pitched five scoreless innings against the Dodgers on Jackie Robinson night at Shea in 1997, with Toby Borland pitching the last four for the save.

And he pitched a shutout, (or at least a complete game) at Wrigley in 1998, during what I believe was the first game of a doubleheader, road trip to Chicago and Milwaukee in which the Mets had two more games than days of the trip, due to past rainouts.

Go Mets 2006
October 4, 2006
I was at the 2nd game of the subway series in 1997 when he got pelted by a liner. He just laid there motionless for a long time. Some idiot Yankee fan started laughing at him. If I wasn't a gentleman, I would have given that Yankee fan a knuckle sandwich. If that was Roger Clemens they would have thought different. I wish the Mets re-signed this guy. He had a lot of guts!

August 29, 2012
I met Reynoso and a few other 1998 Mets (Matt Franco, Jorge Fabregas and 3rd base coach Cookie Rojas) at this baseball clinic that summer at Shea Stadium. I was only in 2nd or 3rd grade at the time, but it was a lot of fun and he signed a Mets' sign for me, as did the others.

Reynoso was good with the Mets during his brief stay. Unfortunately, too many people (including myself) mostly remember him for losing to the Braves on the final day of the 1998 season. Give the Braves credit, they were good and Reynoso did everything he could. Other than that, Reynoso did pretty well as a Met, despite all his pitches not having much velocity or movement of any kind. He simply got a lot of outs. He had a legit mustache too.

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