Bernard Gilkey
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Bernard Gilkey

Bernard Gilkey
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 125 of 1236 players
Otis Bernard Gilkey
Born: September 24, 1966 at St. Louis, Mo.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.00 Weight: 190

Bernard Gilkey was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on March 11, 2011, April 27, 2012, and November 14, 2012.


First Mets game: April 1, 1996
Last Mets game: July 30, 1998

Share your memories of Bernard Gilkey


Mr. Sparkle
The most amazing one year career ever. The guy was awesome for one year. He was clutch, he had power, he hit for average, he set a team RBI record. And then nothing! Zip. What the hell happened to this guy? Even after being traded he's done absolutely nothing. How can one guy be so dominant one year and then fall off the table after that? Good thing we got rid of him. He was a great defensive right fielder though.

February 3, 2001
i was at a game in 1997 when bernard hit a homer to help the Mets beat cincinnati he really crushed that ball.

Mr. Sparkle
November 10, 2001
He just plead guilty to drunken driving for the 3rd time. He faces up to 6 years in the can. What a loser!

Mr. Sparkle
January 19, 2002
Just sentenced to 4 years in the joint for drunk driving. How patheric do you have to be to actually get time for DWI. Bernard have you ever heard of AA?

Jim Snedeker
January 25, 2002
Yeah, nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes. But I hardly call driving drunk and thus knowingly endangering the lives of other people a "mistake."

A mistake is when you forget to pay your phone bill. What he did was a crime.

Larry Burns
May 24, 2002
Awesome for a year, complete booze hound thereafter. Another waste of potential in a stellar athlete. I guess the fact that he performed only one time makes his less known then his other substance abusing brethern. I loved his appearance in Men In Black---highlight of his Met career!

Larry Burns
November 13, 2002
Until someone changes it, he will be known as the guy who hit the most doubles in a season for the Mets. Hard to believe this reject actually has a positive record of any kind. Rumored to be auditioning for a recurrent role on HBO's OZ series. Good Luck Bernie!

r kleinke
October 20, 2004
In his best season he was one of the best right handed hitters the Mets ever had. He hit the ball like a rocket and I'll always remember the TV replay (that showed him just before he swung and hit a home run) with his eyes completely open and similar to a Honeymooners episode in which Ralph Kramden has his eyes wide open as he's trying to watch the late late show on TV. He did it in his own Gilkey Way.

Jonathan Stern
January 17, 2006
The 1996 performances of Gilkey, Todd Hundley, and Lance Johnson gave me reason to believe despite 91 losses. Give the Mets credit: they started winning with Bobby Valentine from 1997 on while the above three evaporated into nothing (Hundley took more time to do so than the other two). If you had told me after 1996 that Gilkey would become invisible and Johnson would be gone after season's end, I would have been one depressed Mets fan. But they won anyway.

April 24, 2012
Despite his off the field problems, I was a big fan of Bernard Gilkey and continued to follow his career after he left the Mets. Unfortunately, he never found the magic again. Does anyone know what he's doing today?

September 28, 2012
Gilkey had quite an amazing year in 1996, but like Hundley, I'm pretty sure Gilkey was juicing up that year as well. Look at his career numbers before 96 and the 96 numbers. It looks pretty obvious. Maybe he stopped using them in 97 and 98, which caused him to regress back into the player he was before. He certainly got snubbed from the 1996 NL All-Star team. Nonetheless, thanks for the one great year in 96 and the decent 97 season! Maybe if he had hit in 98, the Mets could have made the postseason instead of missing it on the very last day.

Also, if he had such a great arm in left field, why was he a left fielder? Usually, outfielders with great arms are in right field.

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