Alex Ochoa
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Alex Ochoa

Alex Ochoa
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 209 of 1238 players
Alex Ochoa
Born: March 29, 1972 at Miami Lakes, Fla.
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.00 Weight: 175

Alex Ochoa was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on December 10, 2014, April 18, 2018, August 2, 2019, January 21, 2024, and February 14, 2024.


First Mets game: September 18, 1995
Last Mets game: September 28, 1997

Share your memories of Alex Ochoa


I was disappointed that Ochoa didn't materialize into the star that everyone thought he was going to be, but he was the man that got Bonilla out of here, which means he made a worthwhile contribution before he even stepped foot on the field. He did have a gun for an arm.

Bob P
June 2, 2004
Mike, that game was on July 3, 1996 at the Vet. Alex went 5-for-5 with a single, two doubles, a triple and a home run.

Alex was the only Met to get five hits in a game that season. The next time a Met player got five hits in a game was on August 30, 1999, when Edgardo Alfonso went 6-for-6.

Mr. Sparkle
June 26, 2005
Currently playing for the Dragons in Japan hitting .291 with 8 homers and 31 ribbies. He was a big disappointment in NY.

Andy the Walrus
August 20, 2006
I remember Ochoa's game winning pinch-hit homer at Atlanta in 1997 and the time he threw Willie McGee out at home plate, when Willie was trying to score from third on a fly ball. Todd Hundley said it was the hardest thrown ball he ever caught.

I'm glad Alex got the ring with the Angels. The guy was put onto the field to protect the lead in game seven of the World Series, and every other Angels' post-season win; that's how highly the Angels thought of him.

He's been marvelous in Japan, even hit for another cycle. It's a loss for the majors to not have him here, I hope he comes back soon. A real class guy who gives his all for the team, he deserves a lot more respect from Mets fans than he gets. As he gained more experience, his performances just got better and better.

Ken D.
October 1, 2007
I liked Alex a lot. Forgot about the Bonilla stuff, now I like him even more!

Anyway, this guy had an absolute rifle arm. Saw him throw out a runner going to 3rd from deep RF at Shea. Still the best Mets arm I have seen so far, and I've been watching since Ellis Valentine.

As of the end of 2007, Alex is (still) playing in Japan, throwing runners out on the basepaths, and now hitting the snot out of the ball (no joking) for Hiroshima. Wish he would have hit a little for the Mets.

Andy the Walrus
April 20, 2009
Alex O is a coach with the Boston Red Sox this year on the major league level. They said his fluency in three languages was a big reason for the hiring. Congrats to Alex on a couple of terrific seasons with Hiroshima to finish out his playing years. A guy I worked with refused to give him any credit, saying, yeah, but it's in Japan. Well, guess who won the World Baseball Classic for the second straight time? And they did it with good pitching. I don't think batting over .300 over there was as easy for Alex O as Mets fans would like to believe.

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