Tom Gorman
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Tom Gorman

Tom Gorman
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 226 of 1238 players
Thomas Patrick Gorman
Born: December 16, 1957 at Portland, Ore.
Throws: Left Bats: Left
Height: 6.03 Weight: 195

Tom Gorman was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on October 1, 2003, October 16, 2018, August 4, 2020, January 7, 2022, and October 6, 2023.


First Mets game: September 18, 1982
Last Mets game: September 27, 1985

Share your memories of Tom Gorman


Sid Finch
Gorfax, as Hernandez called him, was supposedly a pretty funny character. Read "If at First," Hernandez's memoir of the 1985 and 1986 seasons. Good insights on Gorfax, Lynch, Rusty, Foster, Dykstra, Knight, Kid, Mookie, Davey, Straw, Darling, Doc etc. Mex is brutal when it comes to Sisk.

Logan Swanson
April 15, 2001
No velocity, no movement, no location. Had an afro in 1985, ten years after in was fashionable.

Mr. Sparkle
April 26, 2001
Nick-named Gorfax due to his being the "anti-Koufax." I think his best fastball topped out at 79.

Rich S
November 13, 2001
When he was in baseball at the same time as Gorman Thomas of the Brewers, they were the only two players who shared the first/last last/first name combinations. Other than that, nothing to distinguish him other than the fact that his pitching was batting practice quality and the 3 a.m. Atlanta fireworks night homer he gave up to noted slugger Rick Camp.

Larry Burns
May 20, 2002
In Hernandez's book, If at First, he recounted a story where Tommy G pasted a photo of his head over a pic of Doc Gooden and ran around asking,"Is this what it feels like to look down the barrel of a gun." He was, at best, a mediocre pitcher, but every story I have ever heard of him portrays him as a great guy and a positive teammate. After he surrended a 17th inning home run to tie the score against Atlanta on that July 4th 1985 game to light hitting pitcher Rick Camp---someone called him at the hotel the next morning and said to him, "Rick Camp, you gotta be shi**ing me!" Overall an unknown colorful character that makes being a baseball (especially a Met) fan great.

Rev Matt
August 6, 2003
He was the mop up man in '85. A forkball specialist Typical at bat facing Gorman: Three forkballs in the dirt. Count 3 and 0. 75 mph fastball taken for strike one. Count 3 and 1. Another fastball that could barely get a speeding ticket on the Grand Central Parkway. Home Run.

scott rogers
December 2, 2003
It seems if there was a marathon game, Tom Gorman was in there. I remember he pitched about seven innings of relief in the game against the Pirates. It was the 18-inning game where Rusty and Clint Hurdle kept switching back and forth between right and left, and also the game in Atlanta when he gave up the homer to Camp. We did win both games. I don't know why but I always liked this guy.

Bob P
December 6, 2003
Scott, you are right...Gorman did pitch seven innings in that marathon game against Pittsburgh in April of 1985. Gorman was the winning pitcher, allowing just five hits and a walk while striking out five over the last seven innings. Gorman retired 12 of the last 13 batters he faced in the game.

Joe Figliola
March 23, 2004
I do remember him as the Mets' residential humorist just before Roger McDowell got in the groove. He always had something funny to say that the press would pick up.

I forgot how long he was with the Amazin's (1981-85). As a pitcher, I thought he was okay—nothing too flashy. And I think his 6-0 record is the best for a Mets pitcher without a loss in a season. Whether he could go the year undefeated was one of many sidebars that made the 1984 season rather special for me... pennantless, but still special.

BTW, that winning streak was part of an 8-0 run he had that spanned from late 1983 to April, 1985. It's not often that a pitcher can go that long without losing a game.

March 28, 2004
I almost forgot about Tom Gorman, he was pretty decent, I always thought he was better than Doug Sisk, and I never could understand why they kept putting Doug in games instead of him.

ten man
June 4, 2006
I played catcher for him in high school in 2004 in the Portland-Metro area. He was by far the funniest person I have ever come across in the game of baseball which is saying a lot. He was a great influence, great motivator, and overall perfect example for the team. I got to spend a lot of time with him being a catcher and he the pitching coach. His stories of his playing days (mostly of his single career hit and his lightning fast first step) and just life in general made everyone's day better. I got to experience his leg wrestling, even in his older days he can still get the job done. And if anyone cares he still goes by Gorfax or Goose.

Parker Blaney, Jr.
October 4, 2006
I played with Tom at Gonzaga University in the late seventies when we were a nationally ranked team. Tom wasn't the most gifted physically (I agree you could leave to get lunch and come back and the fastball would still be on the way) but was one of the greatest competitive pitchers I've ever been around. I played with the legend Derek Tatsuno where I grew up in Hawaii (who shares NCAA win/loss record at something like 21-1) and Gorman was still his superior in pure guts. He's also a very, very funny, nice man. Check out Gonzaga's record books. Tom, for good reason, is in there a lot. For those of you who called him a lousy pitcher, you haven't a clue about the game. There is a lot more to pitching on a high level than throwing the ball hard.

Bob P
December 6, 2007

Yes, Gorman did give up the tying homer to Terry Harper...but that was WAY BACK in the 13th inning, which was the first of six innings pitched by Gorman that night (morning)!!

Bill Sattler
January 10, 2014
I played with Tom a couple of years in the minors and even roomed with him at least once. Didn't throw hard but he was a lefty and had a great forkball. Enjoyed knowing him and hope he is doing well these days.

Mike Shields
September 25, 2015
Dr. G was one of my roommates while he finished up his degree and was the pitching coach at Gonzaga. GREAT guy and easily the funniest person I have ever met. If someone gave him crap about giving up a HR he would respond, "Oh, yeah? How many dingers did you give up in the big leagues?" Most the time that would shut-up the a-hole asking the question who probably never played beyond high school anyway... Like a lot of the High School Harry's who posted their comments here. Let's go Mets!

QB Blue Pony
May 7, 2021
Was in Law School at Gonzaga when Tom was progressing nicely. Lots of unsupervised pick-up basketball with the baseball players. Tom had good(not great) first step but wasn't able to get feet in unison in order to elevate at the hoop. We use to call it the "Low Gor-Man Block" as we never needed to jump to slap into the seats. Very likeable undergrad jock.

May 7, 2024
I actually watched that Rick Camp game. I lived in Eastern Oregon and watched the early innings, went downtown for multiple beers, came back, and the game was still on TBS. I thought it was a replay. People forget that Camp nearly hit a second homer. Caught on the warning track.

May 12, 2024
I stand corrected. He was up again in 19th, but struck out. Memory plays tricks.

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