Mike Cubbage
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Mike Cubbage

Mike Cubbage
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 294 of 1238 players
Michael Lee Cubbage
Born: July 21, 1950 at Charlottesville, Va.
Throws: Right Bats: Left
Height: 6.00 Weight: 182

Mike Cubbage was the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup on November 20, 2010, April 4, 2015, and March 23, 2019.

3b Manager
Non-playing roles with Mets
  • Manager 1991
  • Coach 1990 - 1996

First Mets game: April 9, 1981
Last Mets game: October 3, 1981

Share your memories of Mike Cubbage


Dave A
December 17, 2000
Seemed like the Mets were always "grooming" him for the manager's position.

I have a theory that Cubbage and Paul Gibson were one in the same. Were they ever spotted simultaneously?

Paul Sullivan
January 7, 2001
Mike "corned beef and" Cubbage's only claim to fame is inclusion on the all-Chris Berman team.

Larry Burns
May 30, 2002
For Mr. Sparkle---such a concept was not only possible, but proven by this d-bag! Who the heck ever made the decision that this clown was manager material is anyone's guess. I just hope whoever it was was shown the door quickly.

Bob P
February 6, 2004
As Ed K mentioned in August of 2003, Cubbage hit his last major league home run on October 3, 1981. It came in the eighth inning off Montreal's Jeff Reardon on the last at bat of his career.

July 5, 2004
He was a very cerebral guy, which meant he had little chance to be a good player or respected coach, in baseball's macho world.

So that destiny came to pass when he told Vince Coleman "Your time is up" in the batting cage, and Coleman yelled at him and basically told Cubbage what to do with himself, in public, in front of reporters and teammates.

Cubbage was stunned. Coleman refused to apologize.

You knew both were doomed.

Andy Capasso
March 14, 2005
When I was fifteen in 1981 I was at a game with a friend of mine where the Giants were beating the Mets 9 - 0 going into the bottom of the ninth and there was no one in the stands (a typical Met game in 1981).

Then all of a sudden in the bottom of the ninth the Mets started to rally--a couple of hits, a couple of runs then some more hits and some more runs and the Giants stated to panic and change pitchers frantically and believe it or not the Mets scored 7 runs and had 2 men on with 2 outs and I was preparing myself for the greatest comeback ever in all of sports!

Once again the Giants changed pitchers and Mike Cubbage was sent up to pinch-hit with the tying runs on base. My friend and I were literally praying for a hit and what did Cubbage do? He flew out/lined out to left field (I think on the first pitch) to end the game.

It was one of those shots that when he first hit it there was hope but it went the opposite way (Cubbage batted lefty) right to the left fielder.

We left the game extremely disappointed (so close yet so far?) but that was part of being a Met fan back then. (And even now!)

Bob P
March 15, 2005
Andy, that game was on Tuesday night May 5, 1981. I'm sure most of the paid attendance of 6,091 were heading home by the bottom of the ninth. Cubbage had walked and scored as a pinch hitter earlier in the ninth inning, but with seven runs in and runners at the corners, Cubbage flied out to left against Greg Minton.

John O
June 9, 2006
Not to knock him personally, he might be a great guy, but when I heard the Mets signed him as a free agent, I went berzerk, and not in a good way. The Yanks sign guys like Jackson, Gossage and Winfield, and we sign guys like Cubbage. The DeRoulets were by far the worst owners EVER in the history of Major League Baseball. Like I said, nothing against Cubbage as a man, but as a player, he left a lot to be desired and the cheapos running and ruining the Mets thought they were doing us a favor by finally signing a free agent. FEH!

John O'Hare
October 20, 2006
John L., I stand corrected. Well, no matter WHO signed him, it was a bad deal. I guess the lousy taste in my mouth from the dark times made me link Cubbage to the DeRoulets. My apologies to all concerned, especially to Mike. I shouldn't ride him like that. Hey, he played in the majors. How many of us can say that? I know I can't.

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