Gil Hodges
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Gil Hodges

Gil Hodges
Inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame, 2022
Inducted into the New York Mets Hall of Fame, 1982
Ultimate Mets Database popularity ranking: 53 of 1236 players
Gilbert Raymond Hodges
Born: April 4, 1924 at Princeton, Ind.
Died: April 2, 1972 at West Palm Beach, Fla. Obituary
Throws: Right Bats: Right
Height: 6.02 Weight: 200

Gil Hodges has been the most popular Ultimate Mets Database daily lookup 15 times, most recently on January 2, 2024.

1b Manager
Non-playing roles with Mets
  • Manager 1968 - 1971

First Mets game: April 11, 1962
Last Mets game: May 5, 1963

Father of Gilbert Hodges

Share your memories of Gil Hodges


Richard Kissel
One of the classiest people every to wear a baseball uniform. Gil is a personal hero. I met Don Newcombe about five years ago. He told me that he played with Gil for 7 years and never heard the guy curse once. He gave the Mets what they needed in 1969, just as he gave the Senators a boost as their manager. My own father died 7 months before Gil, so his death hit me hard. With Tony Perez in the Hall of Fame there is no reason to keep Gil out.

March 4, 2001
Gil hodges was an osam player he managed perfect in 1969 he should be the greatest manager in Mets history he took a team from bad to amazin my father use to pass by his house

Eric Kaplan
April 29, 2001
April 1962... My first major league baseball game ever. Polo Grounds... I was 5 years old. My father was all excited, hadn't been to a ballgame in years - since 57... We get there early for batting practice. My father points to the guy at first and says watch him... I watch him for a while and turn to talk to Dad... he's crying. National League Baseball back in NY. His hero playing first... I think of that game every time I go to Shea....

Gus Bumbol
May 21, 2001
Why isn't this great player and manager in the hall of fame? He was a class act and deserves the honor!

January 24, 2002
Gil Hodges is in Heaven. So, what the hell is Cooperstown doing keeping him out of their doors?!?

harry kane
April 2, 2002
In 1972, I was nine, my family took one of those car trips to Florida from Long Island. On 3/25/72, the day before my birthday, we went to Mets camp and a game at Al Lang. I had my picture taken with Gil and he signed my baseball. By the time we got home and had the pictures developed, he had passed away. My Dad blew up the picture into a black and white poster which hangs in my office. I treasure it to this day.

Jerry The K
August 25, 2002
Gil was always my hero and when the other kids fought over who would be Mickey Mantle, I just wanted to be Gil. Lucky for me he stayed once with my sports writer cousin who got him to autograph a photo to me. Forty something years later and it's still on display. Remember Gil the Manager calling time out and walking slowly to left field to remove Cleon Jones who had failed to hustle on a fly ball! Never saw that before or since. Tough but beautiful man.

September 2, 2002
I remember 1969. Hall of Fame manager Leo Durocher was in total panic, playing every game from June on like they HAD to win. In contrast, Gil Hodges was the epitome of patience and confidence, playing every game like he KNEW they would win. Durocher burned his entire team out, trying to squeeze every drop from them (he caught Hundley in something like 160 games in 67 or 68, basically played the same 7 starters every day, patching up CF as best he could); Hodges carefully rested everyone, drawing the very best from his entire 25 man roster. It was the greatest managerial job ever, and an incredible study in managerial contrasts. I cringe every time I hear what a great manager that Durocher was. I believe that the Cubs had superior talent across the board and that the Mets had maybe the third or fourth best players in the division, but Gil made them one of the best teams ever.

Bob R.
January 7, 2003
When Gil died, I didn't realize how young he was. I was 16 at the time. Now I'm 47, the same age he was when he had his fatal heart attack, and I can't help feeling really bad that he didn't get a chance to manage another 10 or 20 years. Gil, more than any single man, turned the Mets from a joke into a contender. Right away, in his first season as manager in '68, you could see that the Mets were starting to become a team that you needed to take seriously. The next year he took a team that was less talented than many others, and brought New York a championship. He only managed the Mets for four seasons, but Gil has to rank as the team's most important manager.

Joe Figliola
February 27, 2003
Next to Vic Power, Gil was the best right-hand throwing first baseman in baseball. He was a lethal offensive threat. I also believe he is the manager with the most home runs as a player to win a World Series. If he is all that and more, then why is he not in the Hall of Fame?

Hope committee guys like Seaver can continue to push and tout Gil's solid reputation as a player and as a manager.

May 8, 2003
Even though Gil died 3 years before I was born, he is one of my favorite Mets. I love the history of this team. My high school principal was Gil's cousin. I had no idea until the week I graduated. Through my four years in high school I wrote many papers and did many projects surrounding the 1969 Mets and the week of graduation the principal called me into her office. She gave me one of his Mets jerseys, and a signed ball. She told me several stories. It's a cherished item. Apparently when I did projects on the Mets my teachers who knew she was his cousin showed her the projects.

Jim McEnroe
June 17, 2003
Gil was a great ball player, but more than that he was a great man. He had a quiet dignity about him that could be seen on the field and also felt. He had character, humbleness also. He was laid back but just a look from him was all most of the team needed. I remember a young outfielder Cleon Jones playing lacadasically in the outfield. One day Gil called time out and walked out to left field and led him off the field. He never had to do that again. I think Atlanta's Manager Bobby Cox did that many years later with his cf Andrew Jones. Gil was in charge and his players knew it.

Robert Smith
July 16, 2003
I was very fortunate to have a unique relationship with Mr. Hodges and his family through my family and myself. The Hodges family lived on the same block as we did for a few years, before they move about eight blocks away. Gil Jr. and I were in the same graduation class from Our Lady Help of Christians Grammar School in Flatbush. My cousin was in the same class as one of his daughters. Gil Jr. went to the same HS in Brooklyn as my brother (Brooklyn Prep), though different years.

Gil was a faithful Catholic man and father. He came to the 9:00 a.m. Mass every Sunday during the off season, and when he was in town with his team. In the later years, his knees prevented him from sitting in a pew. My father, who was an usher, would get a folding chair for him and place it at the end of the aisle. Since the mass was in the basement of the church, Gil would leave a few minutes early so he could get up the church stairs before the rest of the people would come up the narrow stairs.

When Gil died, the family was devastated. When we heard of the arrangements, my father and I strolled over to the church in suits. We became ushers at his wake and his funeral. We remain very proud that we were able to serve Gil and the Hodges family in this small way. It was a pleasure meeting his brother, who was as small as Gil was big.

When the Mets won it all, my father and brother and I strolled over two blocks (we had moved) to their house and just waited outside to celebrate with the family and wait for the hero to come home.

I remember like it was yesterday that my father, uncle and my brother went to Gil Hodges night at the Polo Grounds.

Choo Choo
July 17, 2003
Gil was also a funny and sarcastic guy. One time when discussing Joe Pignatano's move to Staten Island (they took turns carpooling from Brooklyn) Gil said: "I don't want to be one-way about this, but it seems to me that Piggy can continue to pick me up on his day. On my day-I think Piggy is going to have to drive himself. But I don't want to be one-way about this".

This is from a favorite book of mine by Dick Schaap and Paul Zimmerman, "The Year the METS Lost Last Place".

Feat Fan
June 14, 2004
No HOF???? One of the bigger injustices of b-ball.

Once said: "There are only two kinds of managers. Winning managers and ex-managers".

He was nothing but a winner.

September 15, 2004
The best manager the Mets ever had. Period.

He oozed authority and class. Players didn't pull stunts on him. If they tried, he came down with both feet. Without screaming and yelling. Just the calm authority of an imposing man who had been there. Everybody respected Gil.

Joe Torre reminds me a lot of him -- the same calmness, the same strength, the same lengthy record as a player through good times and bad.

He should be in the Hall. But I'd rather he hadn't died so early. That was a tragedy.

December 21, 2004
I was playong "Strat-a-Matic" (remember that baseball game?) with my cousin Joseph and we were listening to the radio and heard the story that Gil Hodges had just died. Even though I was 9 years old, I still remember that day clearly. What can you say about his managerial and playing skills? Great all around guy. If the Mets had hired managers like him over the years instead of the likes of Torborg, Harrelson, Howe and Green (sounds like a law firm) maybe the Mets history would have been more successful.

Jonathan Stern
February 7, 2005
Given 1969 and the unspeakable tragedy of three seasons later, it is sometimes forgotten that Hodges had actually lost control of the team by 1971. There were scuffles behind the scenes and too many players were behaving in there own selfish interests. There was no sequel to the Miracle, and Hodges deserved at least some share of the blame for that. In addition, there are those who claim that it was Hodges, desperate for an everyday third baseman, who insisted on the trades for Foy and Fregosi. Much though we love Le Grande Orange, the trade for Staub (we gave up Ken Singleton, Tim Foli, and Mike Jorgenson to get him) was, on the whole, a bad one. Hodges reportedly urged that one, too.

It is possible that Hodges might have lost his job in 1972. Had he not passed on during Spring Training, of course. Maybe the stress of managing the 1970 and 1971 Mets caused Hodges to start smoking again. His widow's last words to him: "Watch the cigarettes."

This is not to denigrate the man's legacy. I mention these things merely to help complete the picture. I have no actual memory of him, but clearly he was a great, great man. One of the last of the Gary Cooper types, in and out of the game. He should be in the Hall of Fame as a MANAGER, just for 1969 alone. Of course, he should also be in as a player, as we all know. I love that 1969 team so much even though I wasn't born yet, and I still don't know how Hodges did it. No wonder Brooklyn named the Marine Parkway Bridge after him.

Someone above mentioned Hodge's dry wit. Here's another example, from a 1969 press conference:

Reporter: I can't stand the quiet. Hodges: I can't either. But I can't leave.

Jeff Hodges
February 12, 2005
Mets fans. My father once told me "Mets fans are proof hell is full and the dead are walking the earth". 1969 broke his heart. As a die hard Cub fan I hate to admit it-you guys just had a better team. Super pitching and timely hitting. Really hurts that a Hodges lead you to the promised land.

Mark Stewart
March 8, 2005
I was very surprised that Gil did not make it into the Hall this year—all the stars finally seemed to be aligned.

I had the pleasure of being a friend and classmate of Grace (Gigi) Hodges at the time the Mets went on their remarkable championship run, and it was a thrilling thing at the age of 9 to enjoy that personal connection.

I am now a sportwriter, and that 1969 season had a lot to do with my career choice. My company has posted the comprehensive biography we prepared in anticipation of Gil's enshrinement on our web site,

Enjoy everyone...and wait 'til next year!

rich edwards
March 9, 2005
Well the old timers missed the boat again, so here is my last argument for his Hall of Fame admission: Consider this - when Gil hit his last home run it put him in 10th place all time and FIRST place for NL right handed hitters. He was the dominant first baseman of his era. Raphael Palmiero is currently 10th place all time. Anyone think he won't make it? What a joke.

Jonathan Stern
July 10, 2005
Gil Hodges began the 1969 spring training season with words to live by: "Losing is not funny. It's a sickness."

Bob R
July 13, 2005
When you look at what Hodges had to work with in 1969, that may be one of the greatest managerial performances ever. True, they had a great pitching staff, but the rest of the team was mediocre. He did a brilliant job of platooning, and most of all instilling a desire to win and a belief in his players that they could win. To go from 73 wins in '68 to 100 wins in '69 was simply remarkable. Davey Johnson won more games in '86 but he had a far superior roster than Hodges had.

October 28, 2005
To this day, you will only hear Tom Seaver refer to him as "Mr. Hodges." That tells you something about the measure of respect the players had for this man.

My mom, a Brooklyn Dodger fan, always spoke of him in reverent tones. I knew him only as the Met manager, but he seemed larger than life. Too bad he wasn't around for a lot longer.

Gil Munn
November 23, 2005
I was 9 years old in 1969 but I remember that year well. What fun it was. Gil would have loved the 1986 series as those 2 World Series showed why baseball is so great. My Dad was a Brooklyn Dodgers fan obviously from what he named me. I went to Cooperstown a few years ago and at that time there was a lot of Gil Hodges in the Hall of Fame. Let's hope it becomes official one day!

July 21, 2006
In 1970, the year after the Mets won the World Series, my uncle took me to see them play a single game against the Houston Astros on Memorial Day at Shea. It was a huge deal to see a ballgame on a national holiday back then. It was also the first time I sat in the field box section. To me, it was the Holy Land.

I remember when we entered the ballpark and took our seats, the Mets were taking batting practice, and there was Gil Hodges with a glove on, taking ground balls at third base right in front of me. He looked like he was having fun, smiling, pointing to his guys taking BP, and tagging players with the ball as they ran past him at 3rd.

I was 14 when Gil died. Even as Manager, he was one of my favorite Mets and I remember being stunned and saddened. I remember the whole tri-state area being stunned and saddened. I'm glad he managed that '69 club. He proved Leo wrong: nice guys DON'T finish last.

Clinton Macgowan
October 13, 2008
I remember Gil more as a Brooklyn Dodger, the team I grew up with. Gil went into one of the most horrendous batting slumps ever toward the end of the 1952 season. It followed him through the World Series that year (he went hitless in 7 games), and into the early part of the 1953 season. But the fans never booed him, in fact they gave him a standing ovation each time he came to bat. He eventually pulled out of the slump, and went on to drive in both runs of game 7 of the 1955 World Series, leading the Dodgers to their first, and only, Brooklyn World Series win. He was a classy fielder around first base, too. I remember one game I attended with my father, when someone hit a line drive so hard, I only heard the crack of the bat followed by the slap of the ball into Gil's mitt. After catching the ball, he calmly walked over to touch first base, doubling off the runner who had left on contact, and end the inning. I was sitting close enough to him to see the sly grin on his face!

As a Met, he's remembered as the manager of the 1969 Miracle Mets, leading them to their unlikely World Series championship that year. But above all, he's remembered as one of the most decent people ever to play the game. Tom Seaver's tribute to Gil before throwing the "last pitch" at Shea Stadium during the closing ceremonies brought tears to my eyes. Gil belongs in Cooperstown for so many reasons. Here's hoping he gets there soon.

Bob P
October 17, 2008

I was at that doubleheader but because I was just seven years old I don't have any real memories of it. Thanks to the NY Times Archives, I can tell you that Gil actually hit three homers that day, May 30, 1962. it was a Memorial Day doubleheader at the Polo Grounds and it was the first appearance of the Los Angeles Dodgers in New York since they moved from Brooklyn five years earlier. And it was the Dodgers' first game at the Polo Grounds since they played the Giants there on September 8, 1957.

Gil homered in game one off Sandy Koufax (unfortunately the Mets were already behind, 10-0 in the fourth inning).

In game two, Gil added two more homers, both off Johnny Podres. Gil's first homer in game two brought the Mets to within 3-2, and his second gave them a (temporary) 4-3 lead. Despite pulling off a triple play in the sixth inning of game two, the Mets lost the game late, 6-5.

The three homers tied Gil with Ralph Kiner for tenth on the all-time list with 369 homers. Gil would hit only one more home run in his career, and that one moved him past Kiner and into sole possession of ninth place. Gil's final home run came off future Met Ray Sadecki on July 6, 1962.

Just to put that in perspective: as I write this, Gil is currently in 68th place overall. What a difference 46 years make!

Frank Moreno
December 11, 2008
Like many who have written, I consider Gil my hero. I was fortunate enough to see him as both a Brooklyn Dodger and a New York Met. To this day, a shelf in my office is dedicated to him; photos, glove, books by and about him, and baseball cards.

I noticed a comment from a Joe Bum..... sometime ago, saying he didn't believe Gil was HOF material. He reviewed some of the more well known stats (BA, home run totals, etc.) but thought they fell short of greatness. He took no time to study the era and how dominant Gil Hodges stood in his time. He also failed to note that Gil is one of only fifteen players to hit four home runs in one game. Neither Ruth, Aaron or Bonds is part of this club. At the time, he was only the second player to do this in a nine-inning game - the other, Lou Gehrig.

Our man also hit for the cycle and the list of those who have accomplished both these feats is very short.

I guess there aren't enough of us who know the man for what he truly was, on and off the field. A consummate professional and a gentleman. There's no category in the record books for that - and baseball is poorer for it.

Mic hael Telford
January 17, 2010
I remember my mother letting me stay home 'sick' from school in October, 1969 just I could watch the World Series games. Even though I was not quite 8 years old, as an avid baseball fan who followed her beloved Indians by radio from Southern Ontario in the 40s and 50s, she knew how important it was that the Mets were in the post season...much more important than missing a few days of school.

Gil Hodges to this day represents everything I have always loved about the Mets and still love. He was the epitome of integrity and professionalism and managed during a time of counterculture anti-establishment that transcended to all facets of American life, including professional sports. He kept his team focused, prepared and determined to be the best on and off the field they could be. To me he was a true example of a sports hero and when discussing Mets baseball with friends and family I have consistently referred to Gil Hodges as one of the very best role models that professional sports has ever seen. Of all my many Mets prized collectibles, my very favorite is a 1970 Topps autographed Gil Hodges that I have displayed along with 19 other 1970 Topps Mets players autographed cards.

His place in the HOF is long overdue and if people like Phil Rizzuto and Bill Maseroski can make it (thanks to cronyism more than deserving talent) then Gil Hodges should have been there 30+ years ago.

June 16, 2010
I definitely agree Gil Hodges should be in the Hall of Fame and is long overdue for that honor. His integrity and character are beyond reproach. His stats as a Dodger First Baseman and Mets manager should also qualify him for the Hall. So what is the Vets Committee waiting for???

Charlie McDermott
January 11, 2011
In answer to Lu, What is the Veterans Committee waiting for? They're waiting for Mrs. Hodges to pass on so that the induction could be truly meaningless. This man has deserved to be in the HOF for years. Mrs Hodges and her family have had her hopes dashed for almost 40 years. No I don't know the lady or her family personally but I remember the day Gil died (I was 16) and how the family has carried itself all these years. Others of lesser stature have been elected to the HOF but Gil hasn't?

It is said that one NY writer has said that Gil will never be elected as long as he is alive. What a miserable human being. Let me state now for all the world to read-The Veterans Committee are nothing but cowards to allow this to continue-and if the Veterans Committee doesn't like it I would be willing to meet any or all of them at any gym or health club of their choice. I'll even leave my cane at home, so it will be a FAIR fight. Sincerely, Charlie McDermott

February 3, 2011
I met him when he was on his way into Shea for a Sunday game. I shook his hand and said, "Hi Gil!" He looked at me, smiled and said good morning! I was 14 years old when he died. I felt I lost a family member.

David Nagel
March 25, 2011
I remember going to an afternoon Met game in 1968 as a 14 year old, and waiting outside the Diamond Club for about three hours after the game for autographs. There were about ten of us left waiting when Gil came out. He signed everyone's paper and chatted with us for a while. Ralph Kiner came out and Gil called him over to sign for us and the two of them spoke with us for about 15 minutes. It really made us feel great.

Next out was Ed Kranepool. He told us to get lost.

That made me appreciate Gil Hodges even more.

RF Mojica
August 29, 2013
When Hodges came to the Mets in 1968, I was 6 years old and first starting to know anything about baseball. I went to my first game that year and came home with a Mets Yearbook. The cover cartoon of Hodges (I'd guess drawn by Bruce Stark) really impressed me. I didn't even know who Gil Hodges was. I held on to that yearbook for years, then it disappeared, much to my distress. You know how they say somethings you remember exactly where you were when you heard about them. I remember when Hodges died, it was Easter and we were at a cousin's house. A lot of old NY baseball fans there, Yankees, Giants and Dodgers fans all talking about Gil. I remember thinking, "well he was an old man" because I was just a kid. Later came to realize he wasn't even 50 years old. What a shame. You wonder what would have happened with the Mets in the mid to late 70s had Hodges lived.

Does anyone remember a Gil Hodges Baseball board game? Probably came out around 1970. I had it and have looked for it all over the internet, even just to find out some info, but can't find a thing. I remember liking the game very much, but now wonder if I just imagined it.

rich m.
August 20, 2021
I have carefully compared the stats-fielding batting homers gold gloves-Gil's managerial excellence- and perhaps some items as Gil's character as a human being- and that fans in Brooklyn and Mets (not sure re Washington Senators) loved Gil as much as they did Yogi Berra and Casey Stengel.

I have concluded IMHO that Keith Hernandez and Gil Hodges have equal claim to the Hall of Fame. I feel that if one of them is due the honor their stats and the above intangibles-they both equally deserve it.

On the other hand-putting aside my feelings and sentiment-but just by their numbers-probably Gil and Keith should be in "the hall of the VERY GOOD (along with Jim Kaat) and not the HOF. Likewise I think Bill Mazeroski SHOULD be IMHO in the Hall of the Very Good-not HOF. My 2 cents.

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